Sentences with phrase «great irony»

"Great irony" refers to a situation that is unexpected or contradictory, often with humorous or surprising elements. It highlights a discrepancy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Full definition
I have always found great irony in this type of alienation.
There are moments of great irony here, too — as when a native named Hikuc (Arthur Redcloud), who helps Glass, because he too has lost his family, comes to an ignominious end — that help Iñárritu build to a conclusion that twists everything we've seen Glass endure into an even more poetic bit of frontier justice.
It'd be an even greater irony if Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity helped.
There is great irony when both groups claim victory (and get bonuses), but the business doesn't get what it expects.
I find great irony in the annual financial torture we all endure when our forefathers revolted at a mere 10 percent tax.
Steven Goddard has said to me he's a Californian and a vegetarian who pefers to cycle than drive (a comment that grants great irony to the posters congratulating him and villifying the «eco nazi» «hippies» while doing so).
One great irony here is that publishers are celebrating Apple as a savior from Jeff Bezos bondage... Apple, the company that created iTunes and destroyed what's left of the music industry.
As vacuous as it is innocuous, there is great irony in the title, as After the Sunset has come out a few too many years after much better heist flicks have had their time in the sun.
An even greater irony is that this new secular orthodoxy is much more like the old Catholic orthodoxy than it might care to think.
The great irony of the robotics revolution may be the unexpected resurgence of the long - derided bachelors of arts degree — you still can't automate creativity.
It's a shift in how business communication has always worked, and the great irony here is that the Millennials are way ahead of us.
It is the greatest irony of my life that losing my husband helped me find deeper gratitude — gratitude for the kindness of my friends, the love of my family, the laughter of my children.
The great irony is, I seriously doubt if anyone else really is doing better or having an easier time of it than you, unless of course they have outstanding talent, really worked for it, and deserve their success.
That's the great irony of being overly generous with employees.
The great irony of the story is that Erbitux was later approved by the FDA and has been a major drug in the fight against cancer.
The great irony is a radical leftist will now have to impose all the reforms that were never passed before, neo-liberal measures that he has always opposed.»
In a twist of great irony, the reason so many of us embrace the «It Can't Happen to Me» syndrome is because from a psychological standpoint, it preserves our immediate to short - term feeling of well - being by disassociating ourselves from reality and encouraging inaction, even though from a long - term perspective, it is very likely to destroy our self - preservation abilities.
I had the experience of watching a friend over dose on heroin and die, and the great irony was he truly never seemed happier than seconds before his death.
Isaac Wardell of Bifrost Arts, a collective of musicians exploring the power of sung worship, calls it a great irony.
The GREATEST IRONY is NOT only are the western countries EXPECTED (by Islamic Supporters like CNN's Mr.FAREED ZAKARIA & others) to provide asylum & dole to Muslims oppressed in MUSLIM COUNTRIES themselves,
The great irony is that some religious fundies use the Bible to keep gay people away from their «table», and feasts, using the very texts that the Bible intended to teach hospitality, to do the opposite.
It is perhaps the greatest irony of Christian history that the affirmation that alone distinguished the first Christians from other Jews may have been after all contrary to Jesus» own intention and belief.
(The greatest irony of tough love I've found is that it's only found in relaxing.
I just realized the great irony of this article's ti - tle «9 myths about Hinduism - debunked».
But the greatest irony is that the symbolic richness and power — the religious meaning — of creation are largely lost in the cloud of geological and paleontological dust stirred up in the confusion.
It is one of the great ironies of scientific history that both of Galileo's proofs and his theory of the tides were wrong.
The great irony of Piper using the book of Job to support his theology is that the story of Job stands as an ancient indictment on those who would respond to tragedy by blaming the victim.
The great irony is that actually the Liberal Democrats have, excuse the pun, religiously stuck to the priorities we put on the front page of our manifesto last time, such as delivering a # 10,000 tax free allowance, which we did.
The great irony of American higher education is that in pursuing diversity, colleges and universities have come to look more or less alike.
The resulting formalism is too enfeebled to support the objects and methods of twentieth century mainstream mathematics, and the great irony of Macfarlane's criticism becomes this: the failure of Universal Algebra lies not in relentless, arbitrary abstraction and formalization but in the narrowness of its extensive base.
There is a greater irony here in viewing these beams as a sign — In the construction of the WTC's, along with thousands of other buildings, beams are joined just like the one in the picture... so really there were thousands of cross-sections holding up the WTC's... yet they still collapsed.
The dialectical textual reality of written discourse (parole) and linguistic code (langue) engenders the great irony of interpretation.
The greatest irony of this whole debacle is that a woman who already held the priesthood, but refused to admit it, wound up losing the very priesthood she was fighting to receive!
And that is the greatest irony: for the spirit of criticism that among so many academics has fossilized into a pose has its origins nowhere but among the Greeks, who were the first to question critically everything from the gods to political power to their very selves, the first to live what Socrates called «the examined life.»
The greatest irony of tough love I've found is that it's only found in relaxing.
The great irony is the Creationists and others of that ilk accept mainstream science when it comes to a plasma TV, medications from their MDs that work, the way their car runs and how a cell phone operates.
the greatest irony?
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