Sentences with phrase «great job of something»

It did, but that's not to say it did a real great job of it.
One of my New Years Resolutions for 2017 was to simplify, and I think I've actually done a really great job of it this year.
BTW: Y» all are doin» a great job of it!
If so, you're doing a great job of it.
My wife recently refinished a couple pieces of furniture and did a great job of it.
They aren't gonna have him cheat or do legit evil stuff so the kids can still like him, but come on, he's feuding with Joe and they are letting Joe call him out on all his short comings and letting Joe being the hero to the internet fans (which he's doing a great job of it).
Neville pointed out after 20 30 minutes that the difference was we went man for man, every Arsenal player had his man to watch and they all did a great job of it.
He then gets Justin Turner to 3 - 0, so at this point I don't have to make you nervous, Giles is doing a great job of it on his own.
I'm sure they didn't always do a great job of it, but they at least tried.
Great OB's and care providers understand this and do a great job of it.
If you're interested in bringing better food into your school, HERE»S another company doing a great job of it too.
And he did a great job of it
She goes where the action is, she goes where the trouble is, and she's good at putting people together in solving complex and difficult problems, and I think she'll do a great job of it
You do such a great job of it as your hobby
I don't think I can pull off high waisted shorts but you do a great job of it!
They don't take the traditional FAQ page approach to helping you, but they do a great job of it just same.
Phillips: Those places have iterated and done a great job of it in some extraordinary circumstances.
The Archers are still recovering — and quite frankly not doing a great job of it.
He actually did a great job of it in his WOOL series.
I was going to put together a general review of the iPad, but PC Mag did such a great job of it that I decided to embed their video and focus on doing videos for individual ebook apps instead.
Most Red Heelers are family pets, and do a great job of it!
It does a great job of it too — it's one of the most charming puzzlers I've played this year.»
EA has been trying to keep their mouths closed regarding any info on Dead Space 2 but they are not doing a great job of it.
This is another case of companies using algorithms to determine what you want to read, and not doing a great job of it, in my opinion.
Did a great job of it too.
His life's work is to make the world a better place, and he is doing a great job of it.
The leadership of the firm understand this and do a great job of it, however there is a lot that can be done to make their jobs easier.
And they do a great job of it.
You manage that experience for them, and you do a great job of it.
Keep up the great job both of you!
I agree with you that it is hard to find ways to make a new house have the same wonderful character that older houses have... but you do such a great job of it!
My husband did such a great job of it that we're actually thinking of having him design floor plans more often.
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