Sentences with phrase «great liberties»

The phrase "great liberties" means having a lot of freedom or being able to do whatever one wants without any restrictions or limitations. Full definition
But supplement manufacturers take great liberty in their marketing of these products, often implying the relationship between their supplements and a particular performance outcome or health benefit.
Your driver's license means greater liberty and independence, but it means greater responsibility.
In a world transformed by urbanization and industrialization, people still fight for greater liberty of movement and for a larger share in the material abundance of the earth.
Impressionist Practice — During the1870s and 1880s, artists began taking greater liberties with color, light and space.
Yes, some English writers have taken great liberty in translating the scriptures, like Ms Knust.
But as we showed here (and here), Stewart's films took massive liberties with the facts of the climate debate, and even greater liberties with his treatment of the arguments of the «sceptics».
Massie holds that «if the individual should be freed in the economic realm then individuals should be granted greater liberties in their own lives as well.
In the area in which this subservience of the Church to the Roman state continued, Jesus had much less effect than in some regions where, because of the weakening or disappearance of that state, the Church obtained greater liberty.
Textbook history does not make for a great art, and great liberties need not necessarily translate into great falsehoods.
Our list of the most conservative states to live and work featured states favorable to people who enjoy greater liberties, lower taxes, educational choice, right - to - work status, and religious freedom.
Screenwriters Giorgio Prosperi and Hugo Butler loosely based the script on the book by Richard Wormser, taking great liberties with biblical texts to flesh out Lot's story into a 2 1/2 hour movie.
The original recipe for this came from Rachael Ray, but I took great liberties with it and adapted it to my own tastes.
Playground's artists have taken even greater liberties this time, condensing half this giant landmass into a map that's only a dozen miles from corner to corner.
Ancient art has influenced me, and I've taken great liberties in using the format of the Egyptian papyrus and writing, and the imagery of the ancient Greeks.
«My profound attachment to Canada stems from the great liberty and freedom that my ancestors were able to enjoy in building their lives in a new country, the same liberty and freedom which allowed me as a young French Canadian from Northern Ontario to realize his dream in building a business in all parts of Canada and abroad.»
But if God never fails to promote the greatest liberty for all, then God, by this argument is the God of all which is a God more inclusive than a God «simply» of the oppressed.
when God sacrifices some interests in favor of others, it is always for the sake of promoting the greatest liberty for all.
Thus, while our perception may, on account of its limited scope, indicate otherwise; nonetheless, the truth is that God never fails to promote the greatest liberty for all.
Within the common tradition, therefore, both those with and those without authority must give up some degree of autonomy out of respect for what is common to all and for the promotion of the greater liberty of all.
I'm still finding my feet, but this greater liberty is an exhilarating experience.
If your church is not helping you walk into a greater liberty, if you are not exploring and experiencing what it means to be free, if you feel just...
If your church is not helping you walk into a greater liberty, if you are not exploring and experiencing what it means to be free, if you feel just as enslaved as you always have... then it's time to walk away.
They couldn't trust daily Mass on campus, because some Jesuits took great liberties.
Conservatives, by contrast, gave priority to freedom, arguing for limited government and greater liberty.
We feel it's important for our team to join in this great tradition and special moment of recognition, at the same time we also respect the great liberties afforded by our country including the freedom of personal expression.»
I consider this game is a loose adaptation of Silent Hill because it takes great liberties with the plot such as having Cybil actually meeting up with Cheryl in Midwich or having Harry get possessed... neither of which happened or was the possibility of occuring ever hinted at the in Silent Hill.
Though largely faithful, the adaptation's greatest liberty is a framing device that finds Nick composing a confessional account of his time with Gatbsy while being treated for alcoholism at a sanitarium.
In 1997, there was Spawn, starring Michael Jai White — the first black star of a major superhero comic adaptation — and there was Steel, starring Shaq as John Henry Irons, a minor character from the Superman comics with whom the director Kenneth Johnson took some not - so - great liberties with bad taste.
When it comes to the adaptions that take greater liberties, three general categories start to emerge.
I consider this game is a loose adaptation of Silent Hill because it takes great liberties with the plot such as having Cybil actually meeting up with Cheryl in Midwich or having Harry get possessed... neither of which happened or was the possibility of occuring ever hinted at the in Silent Hill.
In the compositions, he takes great liberties with the scenery and the landscapes; editing man's imprint of roads, power lines, fences, buildings, and adding mountains, lakes, and fauna in its place.
As the Kunsthalle does not house an own collection, it can take great liberties in designing its programs while also reacting quickly and flexibly to new currents in the art world.
Watteau's work becomes Hogg's strong armature, and one she takes great liberties in revising, overturning the near invisibility of his surface labour to foreground a markmaking that is regularly and deliberately sustained across the full surface of all her works.
The contrast between lights and darks is heightened, and greater liberties are taken in the degree of abstraction.
It appears to me that they're on the defense after Climategate, and appear to be taking some great liberties with the way good science is done, as evidenced by some of the alarmist reports and articles we see.
Driving supposes one of the greatest liberties of all, but with big freedom comes a big responsibility, and safe driving should always be priority number one, here are nine tips that will make you a safer driver on the road.
Driving supposes one of the greatest liberties of all, but with big freedom comes a big responsibility, and safe driving...
Sexual Addiction Counseling: Sobriety Boundaries Our cultural environment values sexual expression and takes great liberty in expressing those values in television, movies, and internet videos.
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