Sentences with phrase «great limitation»

The Northampton County Democrat says a pending draft bill will require greater limitations on the number of tests private schools may choose.
The inflexibility of coal - fired and nuclear power stations is almost as great a limitation as the pseudo-random variation of wind power generators.
Now, even though these techniques have offered high sensitivity and resolution, they have shown to be severely limited as far as field - of - view (FOV) and depth - of - field (DOF), a major drawback and great limitation when it comes to large samples, where a scanning method is mandatory and time consuming.
Consequently, soil water availability represents a much greater limitation to maximum carbon storage in global grasslands than does grazing management.
Users seeking to access DApps on mobile devices face greater limitations.
Unfortunately there's no profile support, though given the brevity of options that's probably not too great a limitation.
This means that chimps have greater limitations on the ways in which their brains can develop and on their capacity to learn new behaviors or skills compared with humans.
The greater limitation in Pannenberg's work is its continuing orientation to the German philosophical and cultural context.
The greatest limitation on private schools, religious and otherwise, is economic.
«Unfortunately, the great limitation of this budget was that it relied far too much on complicated targeted reliefs instead of tax cuts across the board.
From a scientific perspective, it's very interesting because one of the great limitations we have in meteorology is that we're not a laboratory science.
But the greatest limitations to existing desalination plants are the cost of replacing membranes and the expense of the energy necessary to run the machinery.
Lack of information on basic ecology and trends is one of the greatest limitations to conservation of bat species.
One of the greatest limitations of the DGAC Report is the recommendation to reduce salt consumption.
Professionalism is both Nothing in Common's greatest strength and its greatest limitation.
The teacher leaders reported that the greatest limitation for these teams was the lack of genuine collaboration in decision - making with school administrators.
Perhaps the greatest limitation of Louisiana's data - centered analysis is that it fails to encompass most of the state's small teacher training programs.
The PlayBook had its greatest limitation in the incapability to access messenger as well as calendar without it being connected to a BlackBerry Phone in real time.
Of course, if there's any great limitation to Super Mario Land, it's that it is one short game.
Stacking's greatest limitation is that its characters and plot aren't very deep — not deep enough to carry the game.
That's the fun of Tyson's art, but also its great limitation.
As a chartered architect, I realised that the boundaries of our professions are generally the greatest limitation to what we can deliver.
However, the 1080p resolution also draws attention to the Apple TV's greatest limitation: its lack of 4K output.
This is not such a great limitation for many psychological and psychiatric phenotypes with substantial heritabilities of around 0.5, but may cause problems in detecting smaller, yet potentially important genetic effects.
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