Sentences with phrase «great line editor»

So I only provide one or the other, but I do have a great line editor I am always happy to recommend to my developmental editing clients.

Not exact matches

Between the fact that I write clean drafts and that both my line editor and copyeditor are great at catching my errors, I do the proofreading pass myself.
A great writing group can take the place of a manuscript reviewer, developmental and line editor, and act as your beta - reading group, too.
Kathryn was quoting developmental editor Lisa Rector - Maass, who said, «A great first line does at least three things: shows movement, evokes emotion, and raises a question.»
If you are going to do battle, it's great to phrase your opening salvo along the lines of «Generalizing that «all self - published books are rubbish» is like saying that all editors - in - chief shouldn't write ignorant commentary.»
It's a line I see too many times as a travel editor: «I have this great blog that gets hundreds of pageviews a month, and would love to pitch you some ideas!»
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