Sentences with phrase «great marketing ideas»

Or I'm asked to «just provide us with a bunch of great marketing ideas».
What a great marketing idea for Coach!!
If you decide you don't have the staff to help you implement all the great marketing ideas included, let us know and we'll show you our PR4 Schools services where we put someone on the ground at your school to help you put marketing strategies into practice.
That is my phrase for great marketing ideas that I sometimes come across, suddenly and powerfully.
When the Digital Bookmobile visited Mauney Memorial Library in Kings Mountain, NC this September, we saw this great marketing idea!
A great marketing idea, but not without
Admittedly, a sexy, expensive loss - leader on wheels, even in low production numbers, may be a great marketing idea, and valuable in the political sense as well, but gosh, didn't anyone care about content?
Free is a Four - Letter Word «Anything free can be a great marketing idea, but not a long - term business plan,» remarked Richard Blech, CEO of Secure Channels.
However, not all great marketing ideas have to come with a big price tag.
Maybe as you're reading this article, your mind has wandered and you've come up with a great marketing idea, closing technique or promotional idea.
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