Sentences with phrase «great mommy»

The phrase "great mommy" means a mother who is loving, caring, and does a good job taking care of her children. Full definition
Keep being a great mommy to your kids, like feeding them those muffins!
Thanks so much, Joanne, and brava to you for accomplishing so much at the same time as being a great mommy!
being involved in the school is the best... you can keep an eye on things, you are doing fine what a great mommy!
You are a great mommy!
Wow, it sounds like you are very blessed with some great mommy friends.
We found a great mommy & me class where her role as a big sister was encouraged, went to the park a lot (baby slept in stroller or friends helped supervise my toddler), and took walks in a nature preserve where she could run around and see animals.
Not that he didn't before but he is much more affectionate and tells me daily what a great mommy I am.
So this sweater is a great mommy sweater.
I'm also so excited to be linking up with some great mommy bloggers for #MomStyleMonday to share our take on how to dress for a spring date night!
Today on the blog I am linking up with some great mommy bloggers for #MomStyleMonday to share our take on how to dress for a spring date night.
Connect with some great mommy bloggers, and see if you can do something together!
Tammy has been a great mommy.
Patty is a great mommy.
Daphne is a great mommy.
Bumbles is a great mommy.
You did the right thing and were a great mommy to take care of him like that at the end.
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