Sentences with phrase «great pastime»

The phrase "great pastime" refers to an activity that brings joy and entertainment to someone in their free time. Full definition
One of the other great pastimes at LegalTech New York, or most any good trade show, is picking up vendor swag.
62, widowed, still working Enjoy family activities Movies and reading are great pastimes Lonely Like able Trustworthy Honest Lov e hugs kisses and cuddling
The verdict is out and Super Mega Baseball is a great addition to the Xbox One allowing you to enjoy one of America's great pastimes in a unique and interesting way, from the character levelling system down to the solid graphics and physics for only # 15.99!
IF surfing the Net is some folks» idea of a hobby, what could be better than a home page featuring that other great pastime — messing about in boats.
It would also be a great pastime for the children at different times during the the year.
Baseball and absurd «food» creations, two of America's great pastimes...
Loading the family into the car and heading to a hotel in the city, the nearby zoo or just driving down a neighborhood street to see Christmas lights is one of the season's greatest pastimes.
Moaning about the buffoonery of Chris Berman on Thursday and Friday, and the curmudgeonly Johnny Miller all four days has become one of the great pastimes of America's national championship.
Finger - feeding Cheerios continues to be a great pastime, and caregivers will notice their babies becoming more successful with this task.
It is also a great pastime to pass down to your children.
It's a great pastime of people in politics and the media,» Hochul said.
5) Lifetime hobby - swimming is a great pastime which can be continued for a lifetime, and with the versatility of the sport you can go as easy or as hard as you are capable of.
This does however make for some great conversation and speculation between fans of America's greatest pastime.
Fishing is my great pastime.
Reading a dating post can be a great pastime for people who are interested in dating and want to get good tips for it.
A: Playing is a great pastime for dogs.
Click here to learn more about the great pastimes you can pursue while at Gran Pacifica or Exotic Caye
Local shopping is another great pastime.
Hitting the road is one of summer's great pastimes; a recent 1,000 - person survey by navigation app Waze found that 63 percent travel by car the most during the summer season (and 48.9 percent admit to singing behind the wheel).
Gamer chix was a great idea to help promote the female population and i hope it continues to grow as gaming is a great pastime for anyone.
Instead, it seems indicative of the team's collective love for «America's greatest pastime» which, thankfully, shines through in every critical element of this year's release.
We'd say this is a great pastime for the kids, but let's face it, everyone loves Toy Story.
Comparing people to other people is the internet's greatest pastime.
Playing video and other types of games online not only offers a great pastime where players can enjoy their favourite games, but these games can also produce some hefty payouts.
Not only is the main game entertaining, but its Raid Mode is also a great pastime, as it's nothing but a co-op horde mode.
65 years later, they're still the market leader for collectibles from one of America's greatest pastimes.
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