Sentences with phrase «great reserves»

It will be met, in some way, with great reserves of energy.
Working with children is joyful and rewarding but it also takes great reserves of strength and energy.
It includes his most deeply personal work — carved and assembled sculptures that he declined to show until now, and in which he invested great reserves of creative energy and personal feeling.
This involves increasing expenses, holding back greater reserves or providing far more modest guarantees.
Here is a map of the last great reserves of oil on the planet: the Mideast.
For the first time, the mainstay of the Porsche line - up foregoes normally aspirated power in favour of a contemporary turbocharged engine — one that endows the volume - selling Carrera and Carrera S models with greater reserves than ever before, along with better fuel economy.
The pioneering use of a 48V system — which on Bentayga Diesel utilises a new lithium - ion battery system to offer even greater reserves of power — results in silent, instantaneous responses to deal with all road surfaces.
Greater reserve inflows, if judged likely to be persistent, will inspire increased lending or investment, while reduced ones will have the opposite effect.
This system was designed to create greater reserves of food that could «help iron out extreme ups and downs of price.»
Also anyone who runs distance or is involved in sports such as soccer, basketball or martial arts will develop great reserves of muscular endurance and stamina way beyond most peoples once you include this exercise in your training.
This analysis comes on the heels of reports from scientific bodies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and International Energy Agency that suggest the world has far greater reserves of fossil fuels already than can be burned while staying within agreed climate limits.
Indeed, as the world's other energy reserves diminish, mining companies may find themselves compelled to invest in technologies for exploiting the world's last great reserve of carbon - based fuel.
«Odyssey: Jack Whitten Sculpture 1963 - 2016,» an exhibition of his most deeply personal work — carved and assembled sculptures that he declined to show until now, and in which he invested great reserves of creative energy and personal feeling — will open at the Baltimore Museum of Art in April before moving to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Mike's a little keener then I am on the death of print, a technology I still have some affection for and suspect has greater reserves of use then is generally expected these days, though in a much less popular form than right now (except maybe for your mass, mass - market cheap titles!)
But it's your great reserve currency.
«Where they are concerned, the greatest reserve and prudence are necessary.
Only with the greatest reserve may we say that faith is a spiritual eating and drinking of the body and blood of Jesus.
The greatest reserve must be exercised before we explain away or rationalize what is difficult for us.
«In both models, the increased number of blood cells can be attributed to a greater reserve population of stem cells.»
Packing a greater reserve means that the very next time you work out, youâ $ ™ ve upped your ability to exercise harder and / or longer.
Mirror reserving said that the company reducing risk through reinsurance could not take a greater reserve credit than the reinsurer posted.
Another important principle that should be kept in mind when evaluating the patient with abnormal liver enzymes is that the liver has a great reserve capacity and clinical signs of liver disease often do not appear until the disease is quite advanced.
And where exaclty on it would the US, with its historical emissions and great reserves of wealth, fall on such a spectrum?
Those with the greatest reserves on their asset sheets and the fastest turnover, and thus having the greatest potential contributions to sea level rise over time, are:
This seems to follow the logic of reasoning behind this new trend, that greater reserves are being required on longer guarantees.
The child is getting his emotional needs met so generously in the playroom, that when his parents can't fulfill a particular need for some reason, he has a great reserve to fall back on and tantrums become completely unnecessary!
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