Sentences with phrase «great reservoir»

Robert Bresson plumbs great reservoirs of feeling with Mouchette, one of the most searing portraits of human desperation ever put on film.
As the Seascapes Director at Conservation International, Laure Katz, a University of Virginia EMBA, raised $ 38 million dollars to protect Indonesia's Bird's Head Seascape, which she describes as «the single greatest reservoir of marine species on the planet.»
«While cold traps may provide surface deposits of water ice as have been seen at the moon and Mercury, Ceres may have been formed with a relatively greater reservoir of water,» said Chris Russell, principal investigator of the Dawn mission, based at the University of California, Los Angeles.
«It became clear,» writes Revkin, acclaimed science reporter for The New York Times, «that the murder was a microcosm of the larger crime: the unbridled destruction of the last great reservoir of biological diversity on Earth.»
Initially they will feel the crisis posed by in the global market, but Asian religions will be great reservoirs of spiritual energy for the life and struggle of the Asian people.
Even if the big new pipelines get shot down or delayed, there are plenty more pipes like Line 9 in the ground to eventually draw down this great reservoir of oil.
It also made possible new adventures of the human spirit, for it was like a great reservoir into which the currents of ancient civilization flowed, and out of which rose all the streams of later history in the western world.
Some persons are newly learning to be racists, but the great reservoir is composed of people who lacked social support for expressing the racism they had held all along.
Our finitenesses and limitations seem to be our personal essence; and when the finiting organ drops away, and our several spirits revert to their original source and resume their unrestricted condition, will they then be anything like those sweet streams of feeling which we know, and which even now our brains are sifting out from the great reservoir for our enjoyment here below?
(22 July 2015) Soil is a great reservoir of biodiversity containing one - third of all living organisms.
Drawn from a great reservoir of mother wisdom, this book pools the stories of over 200 mothers from around the world.
In his 1864 book Man and Nature (original title: Man the Disturber of Nature's Harmonies), George Perkins Marsh catalogued numerous examples of changing climate conditions on losing forests and wrote, «When the forest is gone, the great reservoir of moisture stored up in its vegetable mold [humus] is evaporated, and returns only in deluges of rain to wash away the parched dust into which that mold has been converted.
«The survey reveals a dramatic increase in the number of kids online at home and demonstrates a great reservoir of support for the use of the Internet in school.
At the southern end of these great reservoirs is the surging Clutha River, which is crossed as you traverse Hawea flat to Luggate and Cromwell.
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