Sentences with phrase «great sense of accomplishment»

Fights can last upwards of the entire time limit, but when your foe has fallen, it brings a much greater sense of accomplishment than your average action game.
If you feel a great sense of accomplishment after tackling a colossal feat, then it's a good sign that you're motivated by challenging work.
Questioner 18: What has given you the greatest sense of accomplishment?
For her, bringing new product creations to market generates a great sense of accomplishment.
Whether it's working on a house for Habitat for Humanity or helping to dig wells in Africa, these well - supervised volunteer options for teens might be hard, physical labor, but your child will come away with a great sense of accomplishment and may even be more appreciative of their own life as it compares to that of others.
Private Eye manages to keep the mental gears spinning while providing a great sense of accomplishment for tackling the challenges of each round.
«There is this so - called Ikea effect, with consumer behavior research supporting the notion that when people assemble the products themselves, they feel a great sense of accomplishment and they see themselves reflected in the products they helped to build,» said Sundar.
This is definitely not for everyone but I think that it will be a great sense of accomplishment once I have stuck through this and completed the mc.
Herein lies the beauty of the 5k — it provides a great sense of accomplishment without sacrificing too much of your valuable time.
It was a great sense of accomplishment to cross that line.
The weather was beautiful and the run was lovely, and I came out with such a great sense of accomplishment.
It's OK to do something that scares you a little, but when you've done it you'll feel so much better and you'll have a great sense of accomplishment.
The core gameplay is rather uninspired but works well enough, the visuals and audio are both mixed bags, and the campaign is a decent enough length but never really offers a great sense of accomplishment.
The game itself is extremely challenging, fun and filled with a great sense of accomplishment.
when you finish a level with all the collectibles you feel a great sense of accomplishment.
Exploring, collecting materials, forging weapons / armor, hunting monsters, and finally bringing down the largest of monsters leaves the greatest sense of accomplishment in any individual.
By the end of each level, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment as you've managed to figure out how to use the characters to overcome every challenge that the level presented to you.
Three levels of difficulty allow the child to attain precision slowly and with a greater sense of accomplishment.
«No, it is a great sense of accomplishment and a lot of work.»
Because school leaders are getting results, they have a greater sense of accomplishment, which — almost everybody tells me — increases their motivation to continue to dedicate time to focus on instructional leadership.
Students create a product for an audience that matters to them, develop aesthetic standards, and experience a great sense of accomplishment.
Most authors feel a great sense of accomplishment when they hit «publish» on Amazon and make that labor of love available for purchase.
I find that when I divide intermediate and long term goals into short - term tangible stepping stones, I am able to feel a greater sense of accomplishment and am more likely to succeed.
This will be difficult to do at first but will give you a great sense of accomplishment when you are done.
They feel a great sense of accomplishment when they help fill the dog's food and water bowls or clean up after their pet.
We hope you all can sit back and relax now; feeling a great sense of accomplishment for the great efforts you all have performed.
You will feel a great sense of accomplishment, and it is very rewarding
You will also feel a great sense of accomplishment after conquering Dead Woman's pass.
Hiking the Inca Trail creates lasting memories and instills a great sense of accomplishment once it is completed.
It's really fun to analyze the puzzle and has a great sense of accomplishment when you solve it.
This works perfectly as you come to understand how each mechanic works very quickly and feel a great sense of accomplishment when you master them.
I don't like this because there are countless times in games where I have been stuck on a puzzle or boss for hours on end, wishing I could just skip it; then after so many hours, days, and years I finally beat it with the greatest sense of accomplishment.
But, with a more difficult game comes a greater sense of accomplishment, and that is definitely still here nearly 17 years on.
The game itself is extremely challenging, fun and filled with a great sense of accomplishment.
It's one thing I think Starcraft II's campaigns do exceedingly well: the missions are spelled out in that you're adequately informed of the objectives and the nuance thereof, but completing those objectives triggers a great sense of accomplishment.
While you don't get penalized for taking advantage of both I would suggest trying to stay away from them if possible for the greater sense of accomplishment.
That would make for a greater sense of accomplishment when you finally nab that elusive heart piece or rupee chest you've been eyeing.
While you can still rush through the demo and be done with it, you will find that taking your time with the game will provide you with a great sense of accomplishment.
Along the way you will fail but you will learn from your mistakes and achieve a greater sense of accomplishment when you do succeed.
Earning 3 stars without help gives you a great sense of accomplishment.
And as frustrating as these boss battles can be, you feel a great sense of accomplishment when you do complete them.
Upon defeating each of the 4 bosses I went up against I felt a great sense of accomplishment.
I felt a great sense of accomplishment for being able to surpass the challenge and this is no doubt where the game succeeds.
When I can help a law firm (be it big or small) reach their goals, I feel a great sense of accomplishment.
It's better from a mental health perspective too, because when you feel that you can affect the outcome of your work, you are more satisfied and have a greater sense of accomplishment.
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