Sentences with phrase «great sequel»

It's a set of things that few great sequels can accomplish.
It earned more backing than the previous and is looking to be a proper great sequel.
Up there with Godfather2 for greatest sequel of all time.
Said game will have the name «The Next Great Sequel in the Saints Row Franchise.»
When you do run into issues, though, they'll be related to the half measures taken in other areas of the gameplay, proving that flat - out abandoning some tropes while clinging on to others doesn't always make for great sequels.
In part 1 of «Game Companies That Make Great Sequels», we gave a shout out to 3 awesome companies that are known for putting out some pretty bad - ass game franchises.
Building off of «Conquest of the Planet of the Apes,» Battle does for this series what many great sequels have done in the past, making the set - up even better once you get to the action.
Two years after he first appeared to skewer 20th Century Fox's popular X-Men franchise, the so - called «merc with a mouth» Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) returns in a surprisingly great sequel.
The past few years have spoiled us with good and even great sequels to beloved hits from the late»70s / early»80s — Mad Max: Fury Road, Creed, Star Wars: The Force Awakens — but 2049 is the cream of the genetically engineered crop.
He's still great in the sequel - but ultimately it lacks that great leap of innovation or spark of genius that elevates workmanlike sequels into great sequels.
Nolan's film is not only the finest comic book film to date, but also ranks as one of the all time great sequels; smart, thrilling and satisfying in a way that few movies even come close to.
Along with the likes of Super Mario Bros. 3 and the SNES (which brought us World, Link to the Past, Super Metroid and other great sequels), I'm hoping this is another addition of theirs to the ranks of the great successors in the gaming industry.
But like any great film series or books, games that have great sequels start from ambitious originals that may not be perfect, but they really push the genre to the next level in what they try to do.
After you've watched John Wick enough times that you've memorized Reeves» crazy gunplay choreography, you'll want to move on to the equally great sequel, John Wick: Chapter 2.
WHY: There aren't many great sequels, and even fewer that rival the original movie, but James Cameron's «Aliens» is one of the rare films that ticks both those boxes.
Meanwhile, the 1991 sequel, «Terminator 2: Judgment Day,» is considered one of the greatest sequels of all - time.
His template for writing a great sequel comes from a surprising place: The Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Regardless, BioShock 2 is here and it's a great sequel that fixes the problems of the original and crafts another compelling tale within the walls of Rapture.
a great sequel ide say better than the first mainly because it is told in alot of different stories
Despite some technical issues, L4D2 is a great sequel.
A great sequel to the first game!
Here's to a great sequel!
Spy Kids 2 is a great sequel and a very fun one too, maybe better than the first.
With great visuals, an expanded skill set, online co-op and well done presentation and theatrics N.Y.Zombies 2 is a great sequel and worth the wait.
Some will credit Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather Part II as the greatest sequel of all - time while I find the wonder and amazement in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back as the best science fiction film of all - time.
This film is easily also one of the greatest sequels of all time alongside Star Trek's The Wrath of Khan and Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight.
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug by Hope Madden The fantasy film genre boasts some great sequels, even when those... read more →
Building upon the success of Ridley Scott's 1979 sci - fi horror classic, «Aliens» is everything that a great sequel should be: it's bigger, different and expands the mythology in exciting new ways.
There is room for a great sequel in this, but I hope the writers think before they leap.
For the most part, though, the horror genre is not known for great franchises or great sequels.
This is a great sequel.
To celebrate what is arguably the greatest sequel in horror...
A masterclass is executing a great sequel in the realm of the modern blockbuster.
Hailed as one of the greatest sequels AND...
Featuring even more dynamic combat, a new Scout System (send them out to explore dungeons, so you can amass critical information), a Flag System, and even the ability to burn game discs (you can «craft your own AAA title for Neptune and friends to equip»), this one sounds like a great sequel.
Hailed as one of the greatest sequels AND as having one of the greatest stories in video game history, Silent Hill 2 is one of those rare games that transcends simple entertainment and instead becomes an experience, one that stays with us for years.
Sue Storm actress Kate Mara says bad reviews have kept her away, while producer Simon Kinberg hopes to make a great sequel.
The movie wasn't a great sequel; it felt like Iron Man 2 but with a stronger villain, basically rehashing the same internal issues of distrust and despair in the first film.
I think it was a great movie, but it not a great sequel because they just did another Avengers, not something massively different than the first.
Again, if there was a great sequel that was really fun or had a great new take on it.
You would think that after 14 years the makers of Basic Instinct 2 would have made a great sequel, but alas, the whole affair is quite flaccid.
This movie exceeded so many of my expectations from being a great sequel with intense action and pure popcorn fun.
The first film, to me, felt like a good movie begging for a great sequel, and I think the -LSB-...]
Mark Ruffalo (46)-- Hoping you can turn that increased new found popularity for The Hulk into a third movie that is as much fun as the other Avengers tie - ins or failing that, here's to a great sequel for Now You See Me, one of the year's most pleasant surprises.
In determining that the reason I didn't like it was that it was not a good sequel to Blade Runner, or at least not the one I was expecting, it suddenly became a great sequel to Blade Runner.
Audi design director Marc Lichte's evolution of Walter De Silva's wonderful original is like Terminator 2 — a great sequel.
All I have got to say is what a great sequel this is.
A great sequel.
It's the Feegles to the rescue in a great sequel to The Wee Free Men.
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