Sentences with phrase «great showing»

The phrase "great showing" means performing exceptionally well or impressively in a particular event or activity. Full definition
Great shows of dogs, cats, birds, fish & reptiles.
We are all volunteers here and your contribution helps us to pay for operating cost, needed to produce great shows for you week after week.
I have a very great show on deck for you guys.
I've seen so many great shows in the past few years.
How come everyone else has such great shows before we do?
There's good news and bad news: there haven't been that many great shows so far, but less required viewing is a bit better for your TV watching schedule.
We've had 3 really great showings so far and we're hoping to know more about what we're doing this next week!
This dive site is deeper and is not very big, but offers great shows by jack fish and other schools of fish.
It is really great it shows your dedication and respect towards your work keep doing that good work and keep posting such interesting and valuable story with us.
Just look at other great shows and bands that came out of the 90's.
They dig in and refuse to admit a mistake no matter how great the showing of innocence.
But we're having seven great shows over a two - day period.
It's comfy under my work blouse, and looks great shown off later.
Of course there are many, many more great shows out there.
In fact, it's been a pretty great show so far compared to recent years.
The show had a good run, and needs to have a final season to wrap the once great show up.
Sure there are plenty of free themes out there, but putting a little time, money, and effort into making your blog design great shows that you are serious about being successful.
This is an especially great show for families with children with sensory issues.
Sadly these three great show cars represent three missed opportunities.
Seriously: you can spend hours browsing through great shows there.
Great show quality with an outstanding pedigree to match.
Just another reason to love this consistently great show that has been around for 20 years!
Considering our injuries today was great show of character.
It's great show for both investors and real estate brokers.
And hey man, great showing off those wheels to recover and track the quarterback down!
They know how great the show looks, they know how much their actors can give them, and they know just how much they can get away with.
This week it's been expanded to nine as so many great shows are closing soon.
But, the quality of the products we did get meant that it was actually a pretty great show.
Then Hi - Tone always puts on great shows with small bands from all over.
Now I'm not saying that giant venues can't hold good concerts, I've seen some really great shows at stadiums and pavilion centers (like Blue October at the 2015 Bud Light Wienie Roast) that were one hell of a show.
I know I'm a day late in wishing you that... I had every intention of posting these lil Chocolate Shortbread Cookies yesterday morning, but my TiVo was so full of great shows from being away for two weeks that I couldn't stop watching TV Sunday night.
You can not imagine... Of course I am enjoying the fact that I have the opportunity to go to these cool cities, see great shows, and meet even more amazing people, but part of Fashion Week is also that you dress up in latest fashion... And that's exactly where it goes wrong.
All in all great show by the lads.
You know, I've often said to writers, «look we've got great shows going on, you should come and talk about it.»
Jack has continuously produced exceptional temperaments in his get which makes for great show dogs.
This is a really good not great show.
I lived in Brooklyn and commuted to West Chester and did great shows, I think, and really began there to do I mean at Artists Space I did all my own of course did my exhibitions also.
They're trailing behind Sony's PS4 in sales (granted, the slower, country - by - country rollout has contributed to that) and arguably didn't have as great a show last year as their primary competition, either.
After great shows in San Francisco (covered) and New York (covered), it's about time that master sculptor Kris Kuksi flexes his muscles across the ocean.
LSU's D.J. Chark had an overall great showing on Saturday.
Script writers for TV shows work in groups, bouncing ideas off each other, arguing over what to include, piggybacking on each other's ideas quickly and creatively to create great shows fast.
With a slew of great shows opening at the New Museum this month, and some provocative lesser - known artists making their debuts in Chelsea, May is heating up.
I am still in a rut about pairing animal print with red for some reason... but look how great it shows against this bright pink!!
To be blunt, it feels sometimes like a lack of purpose or voice, and that's holding back the company from becoming the next Netflix or even Hulu (who has their first truly great show in «Casual»).
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