Sentences with phrase «great skills of»

Experienced and skilled nurse with the great skills of management and organizational seeking for a responsible role in the area of nursing and caring.
«Man - management is clearly not a great skill of Jeremy's,» said Smith, perhaps understating what many of his colleagues have come to conclude was not just an irritating foible but an inexcusable failure of a man who professes a desire to be prime minister.
Merging your perspectives and molding a life together is the great skill of a thriving relationship between two individual people.
BEST ACTOR The great skill of Russell Crowe's performance in The Water Diviner is that he was able to rein in his movie - star grandness and play an everyman so convincingly.
The great skill of this author has always been the one to create compelling stories, starting from the most secret feelings of people.
(This is common sense, although my favorite investor of all time, Walter Schloss, achieved outstanding results by owning a basket of many undervalued stocks, an approach that I tend to favor unless the investor has a great skill of analyzing the business and management)
I believe one of the greatest skills of lawyers is that they are solution - seekers and solution - finders; our law schools and our profession always have done a good job of instilling that core lawyering skill — the ability to seek and find solutions — and the ethics of our profession in law students.
I learned the great skill of problem solving.

Not exact matches

The book not only prepares the reader in managing his or her mindset relative to ups, downs, pleasures, and horrors of owning a business, it also helps one develop the skills in identifying potential and current employees whose attitudes and outlooks can bring great value to a growing organization.
The key enterprising skills I used when first starting out are the very same ones I use today: the art of delegation, risk - taking, surrounding yourself with a great team and working on projects you really believe in.
If entrepreneurs who have the passion and innovation to start their own businesses can develop these five skills of great leaders, they will be most effective in leadingthose businessess into growth and a bright future.
To generate interest in sales roles amongst young people and help them learn some of the basic skills of the trade, Scarborough's company organizes The Great Canadian Sales Competition, now in its second year.
Many small businesses are slowly trickling into video marketing (which is great), but where most hesitation occurs or where most skill is lacking is the absence of a person to shoot the video.
According to a recent article by Stanford's Emma Seppälä for the Greater Good Science Center, «one of the most extensive studies on charisma found that charisma is not so much a gift as a learnable skill
Whether finding a great co-founder, who has complementary skill sets (in my case, an old friend I met at theater camp over 20 years ago), or picking your executive team exclusively composed of «A» players (who you can alternately delegate to — or be inspired by), you need a bunch of great teammates to be successful when creating a new business.»
Your entrepreneurial skills will face their greatest test when the winds of change are swirling — and whether it's starting a new venture or pivoting an existing one, the ability to grow and change is what separates the Blockbusters of the world from the Netflixes, the Toys «R» Us's from the Amazons, and the AltaVistas from the Googles.
This makes the Adrenaline GTS 17 a great shoe for all overpronators of all skill levels, whether your go - to speed is a leisurely jog or you're trying to push the tempo while training for your next half - marathon.
If you are strong on both of these skills you are in great shape to grow your company.
It's how they judge your company, how they compare their skills to others» skills, and how they take greater control of their career paths.
According to Sandberg, even though there are jobs that require a certain level of experience, she's found that «people with great skills can do more things well.»
Put simply the reason that some project managers are more successful than others is that they possess greater skills in the areas of communication and organization, bring a wealth of experience to the table and are committed to their work.
But Feld is perhaps more unusual in not calling college a waste of time for entrepreneur hopefuls, but essentially a great practice ground for them to hone their skills while they combine study and business.
He also says he was fired for going around the marketing team and for not being «great at planning or product management,» skills that the company needed to scale, not to mention that they were also part of his job description.
In the meantime, the Great Recession and hiring downturn have produced an oversupply of skilled specialized workers who are offering up their services outside of established organizations.
Many of the skills required to become a successful project manager can be developed and improved a great deal with training, whilst other skills and traits, (such as common sense), can not be taught!
The truth is that the skills needed to be a good controller are vastly different than that required of a great CFO — which is something that a lot of entrepreneurs miss, particularly if their gift isn't finance.
Do what everyone who's ever had a successful career has done since day one: Get a degree in an in - demand field, get a good job with a good company, gain experience, figure out what you love to do, develop your skills, meet lots of great people, gain exposure to new opportunities, and advance your career.
Effective people know that no one succeeds at anything worthwhile on their own — so they work hard to build teams of bright, motivated, and highly skilled people, knowing that a great team is always greater than the sum of its parts.
Traditional intelligence is certainly handy to have, but it's also possible to achieve great things with less raw computational horsepower and higher levels of these other skills.
Technical skills are important, but they're only a fraction of what makes someone a great leader.
Those most averse to change, who possess great self - awareness and self - management skills, even set aside a small amount of time each week to list possible changes and what actions they can take in response.
A strategy of learning and willingness to pivot, based on market feedback, is a great survival skill and attitude cherished by investors.
If we learn and master the skill of active listening, we will experience greater success in sales and in life.
In contrast, immigrants who come from diverse backgrounds with a range of skills - such as the 800,000 dreamers - tend to produce greater economic benefits.
At the same time, one of the aspects that set great leaders apart from the pack is that they tend to have special skills — particularly the ability to see over the next hill and make connections and correlations that the rest of us can't.
Research by business professors Patricia Cortes and Jose Tessada shows a greater supply of such services allows more women to join the workforce in high - skilled positions.
For Hettiarachchi, his Toastmasters group provided a place to grow as a speaker, but he says any kind of similar forum is suitable, because like any skill, you must practice public speaking to become and then stay great at it.
Hey, I had a great deal of skill in football, but I've seen a lot of skilled people that didn't do a damn thing in the game, because they didn't prepare; they didn't go out there and work hard.
Right off the bat, there are the usual suspects — HTML, CSS, JavaScript and WordPress make a solid foundation for coding languages, and a great example of where up skilling can come into play.
From there users will move on to Advanced JavaScript Programming, where you'll be able to learn more skills in code manipulation, giving you greater power to perfect the style and tone of the web pages you design.
Put a great set of irons in the hands of almost any golfer, and he or she can show improvement in shot making skills.
We must remain committed to education, retraining, and help for displaced workers... We need to help displaced workers make ends meet between jobs and move people quickly on to the next opportunity... [C] ommunity colleges do a great job of providing the right skills to workers and the right workers for firms.
It's up to you to provide the members of your team with opportunities to do great things for your organization, and to provide them with the training to sharpen their skills.
«I would say that the central bankers of the world, that have demonstrated great skill at time when governments were dysfunctional... actually came to the rescue of the world by undertaking activities that normally would not fall in the purview of central banks,» said Frenkel.
Well — amid a resurgent U.S. job market checked by a quickly evaporating pool of low - skilled workers — it turns out that Trump's great wall may be the last thing the economy needs.
Especially today, the trend is for workplaces to be focused on building a great corporate culture, which often requires teamwork and strong interpersonal skills from all levels of employees.
Having a great network confirms that a potential manager has good communication skills, and shows that he or she understands the value of collaboration and cooperation.
She's a great example of someone who used a skill to build a following on YouTube, and was able to make the shift to live video which, she has said, generates far more comments.
But what happens is we end up being a person who is really good at one set of skills... and not so great at another set of skills — often, a key set of skills.
Make your absence felt much greater than your presence by developing the skill of listening more than speaking.
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