Sentences with phrase «great social skills»

I have great social skills yet I am a private person.
During the certification process, your dog will learn great social skills with other dogs and people, making him / her an all - around joy to live with.
Both programs focus on your dog or puppy building great social skills and becoming comfortable and polite in public settings.
I'm a very hard worker, career - oriented with great social skills.
Though parents may assume having dogs are best to help their children, my data show greater social skills for children with autism who live in homes with any type of pet.»
Some people without great social skills don't get that «I'm busy & # can be code for «I don't want to talk to you & #; they take it literally, as in «I'm busy right now but would talk to you if I weren't.
In this course, learners demonstrate advanced clinical practice skills that promote greater social skills and respect for diversity while expanding and refining the therapeutic skills they developed through prior course work and practice.
Compared with their peers, participating students also significantly improved on five key nonacademic measures: They demonstrated greater social skills, less emotional stress and better attitudes, fewer conduct problems such as bullying and suspensions, and more - frequent positive behaviors, such as cooperation and help for other students.
Both AHII groups were more likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder than control children; more symptoms of general psychopathology; greater social skills deficits; more parental problems; and lower levels of academic achievement skills.
In fact, children who demonstrate empathy also show greater social skills, healthy friendships and academic achievement.2 There's strong evidence to support parents» significant role in the development of empathy.
Professional energetic with great social skills and willing to work hard and learn different skills on the job.
While there are many tips on how to look and talk like you have great social skills, the most important part to focus on is your mental state.
«When I compared the social skills of children with autism who lived with dogs to those who did not, the children with dogs appeared to have greater social skills,» said Gretchen Carlisle, research fellow at the Research Center for Human - Animal Interaction (ReCHAI) in the MU College of Veterinary Medicine.
The first study of its kind to examine perception after plastic surgery finds that women who have certain procedures are perceived as having greater social skills and are more likeable, attractive and feminine.
For example, you may think you have great social skills but maybe you give off a creepy vibe to people or your conversation skills leave much to be desired.
I need someone who has great social skills and greater stamina lol.
They both go to Doggie Day Camp when we are working, and they both have great social skills with other dogs and the people from the camp also love them.
Dog parks have come to represent an inherent risk not usually found in private Playgroup setting, and let's face it, dog parks can be especially problematic for puppies, small, or timid dogs, or any dog who doesn't have great social skills.
You care to help strangers feel accepted and make friends; this is a great social skill to bring to a job that requires customer interaction for example
Highly motivated with great social skills, articulate, consciencious along w leadership skills
Brokers normally seek out candidates with an aptitude in finance, a rough understanding of property law, great social skills, enthusiasm and discerning judgment.
A lot of them have great social skills but will get tired from socializing more quickly than extroverts.
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