Sentences with phrase «great step»

Great step forward in stopping abuse, and neglect to animals.
Being able to get out of debt is one great step in achieving financial freedom.
Here are some of my favorite basic impulse control exercises, these are great stepping stones for more advanced exercises.
These are great steps towards putting a lot of the great research we know is already out there into actual practice.
Thank you for the fabulous recipe as well as great step by step directions.
That's why it's crucial to inventory your belongings to take that next great step toward a professional life of organization and productivity.
Both countries have taken great steps so far, ones that might have seemed politically and financially impossible just a few years ago.
Next Great Step career counseling to college graduates provides strategies guiding students to focus their career path using a proven business approach.
Taking personal responsibility is the first great step to successful fat loss.
You've given great step by step instructions to do just that.
It also will open the fiscal space so that government can undertake even greater steps to stimulate the real economy in ways that provides jobs and builds the infrastructure needed for sustained economic development.
They're really, I think it's a really great step forward.
Great step forward - only question: why in the world does it take a year + a couple of months to put this into effect?
Both are great steps toward improving their knowledge of nutrition.
A second round of proposed tariffs on Chinese goods would likely take greater steps to protect American intellectual property, according to several analysts.
This is great step by step for newbies like myself.
This is the first great step to putting more sunshine in our lives.
It kind of makes you wonder: if adopting the most basic of healthy habits can yield tremendous results, how much more improvement would you see by taking an even greater step?
Bumpers make great stepping stones for climbers.
Great step up from Cosmos 14» bike for growing child who is a confident rider.
If any of these directions sound confusing, Joy has her shit together with great step by step picture directions here.
Great steps on how to find my style.
Certificates serve as great stepping stones towards higher credentials and greater careers.
While these measures are certainly great steps in addressing player safety from concussions, immediate response is vital in making sure that the injury is treated properly.
It is perhaps the single greatest step towards foreclosure as it grants the defaulter a final chance to pay up.
They share great step by step instructions.
They've become great stepping stones for people like Neill Blomkamp (District 9), Astron - 6 (The Editor), RKSS (Turbo Kid), and...
«The other great step forward is that many of the campaigns have included innovative rich media advertising, such as floating or expanding ads.
Justin Evans took great steps last year and pair him up with Derwin James and that is a safety duo that has a very promising future, (Future Earl Thomas and Kam Chancellor?
Did well in the promotion season, but Premier League too great a step up.
From the Little Red School House of the Three R'sto the Latest High School Buildings Representsa Great Step in Public School Advancement; but the Old Question of What to Teach Is MoreActive Today Than It Has Been for a Decade.
It will be a marathon to build an economy that cleans up more carbon than it emits, and I have high hopes that 2016 will see great steps down this road.
He goes on to argue that stopping climate change will require great steps in developing renewable sources of power and, possibly, nuclear energy, but he also insists that «we must concurrently take action to preserve our forests so that we have an environment worth preserving.»
Sally O'Neill QC of Furnival Chambers, who took over as chairman on 1 September, says that although great steps have been taken to improve the lot of young witnesses, more needs to be done to protect child defendants.
«We believe that the first great step towards such a democracy lies in giving far more conscious attention throughout our educational system to the problems of the best methods of educating citizens.»
Later it'd be known as Interstellar, a film about the next great step for mankind, of an interstellar...
While some horrible things like the hurricane Irma or international political issues like the ones in Turkey have occurred, we've also made great steps forward.
Great stepping stone towards the more challenging macaroon
Butler says one of the most important things real estate professionals can do to combat discrimination is to look inward: «Having professionals examine their implicit biases is great step on the way to becoming a better agent who can expand their service base.»
Tony Robbins once said that many people fail to consider what could be the single greatest step in furthering one's financial wellbeing — moving to another city or country.
The idea is that the blended burger isn't a substitute but an improvement, the next great step forward for meat patties, a way to cut your burger's environmental impact by as much as half without sacrificing flavor.
As a Relationship Coach I love how this gives great step by step advice that anyone can understand and implement.A great read..
Believe it or not, living in lusaka is already for your first great step towards finding love.
Regardless of my nitpicking complaints, these are all great steps and ones I hope to see replicated in more cities around the world.

Phrases with «great step»

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