Sentences with phrase «great tactic»

The «8 for the Day» exercise is something I created that works for me, but there are other great tactics for planning your day.
This is an especially great tactic if it is not already something the employer does during the interview.
You can employ great tactics to ensure you're getting the sleep your body needs, but from time - to - time, those plans are going to go straight out the window.
New light and heavy attacks allow for greater tactics against enemies.
While these are all great tactics, what happens when your anger is directed at your partner in the heat of the moment?
These are great tactics for saving money but won't get you flattering clothing.
but I'm watching the game again and we pressed up HIGH from the start so it was great tactics by wenger and co
Staying with the theme of surprise, Discaddict was similarly confounded, taken aback and benumbed: «Surprise of the year, great tactic mechanics, easy to handle but very deep.
Book Description EPIC Change describes the strategies and offers great tactics to execute a successful change.
And when it comes to custom audiences, there are some great tactics on different ways to hone in on a segment that converts (probably enough tactics for a post of its own, which we'd love to cover separately).
It's a great tactic that takes context (where people are located) into consideration when you connect with them via Twitter.
Top tip: Commenting on other blogs in your niche is a great tactic to increase the visibility of your own blog.
It's a great tactic to know and understand, but in general, something to stay out of.
Adding an FAQ section is a great tactic to create a growing resource of topical questions and answers.
Negotiating a speaking slot for one of your executives as part of your exhibitor package is a great tactic to drive interested prospects to your booth.
This is not going to be an easy task since you have to do a lot of hard work, and at the same time have to adopt some great tactics.
For the last century or more, one of the great tactics for keeping the ideal of shining innocence alive even in later years is to concentrate it on the young.
It's such a great tactic!
How to make someone's confidence even lower drop them, great tactic!
Great tactic of Wenger though to focus on the penalty incident, thus deflecting attention away from the fact our defence gave up a whopping THREE ONE - ON - ONES in the same game!!
No great tactic, just be a tight defense and don't break quick — just get the ball into space for the fast guy to challenge.
Fantastic result and great tactics.
credit where it is due... well done wenger... great tactics... well done lads!
Not sure that pointing out that a job is difficult or requires skill is a great tactic to excuse poor performance, in theory, however.
we would have been deaf by now hearing things like «That's the coach we have been waiting for; instant impact; great tactics; excellent players motivation skills; the players are happy now; they weren't playing for AW» blah....
It was great tactics, I'm not being critical, but let's not pretend there was ANY offensive intent behind the way Rose clutched JJ like a kid begging her Mom for an early peek at the Christmas presents.
After a bit of research and a dose a blind courage, I found the best baby bottles for a breastfed baby and some great tactics for successfully introducing a bottle.
Most babies are extremely interested in solid foods before they actually get to taste them — according to Kid's Spot going with your baby's natural leaning to try new foods can be a great tactic to create a lifelong great eater.
I love this — such a great tactic, and I know it works.
Getting it in writing (and sometimes on laminated, posted sheets) has been a great tactic.
This was a great tactic to mitigate potential roadblocks, and incrementally teach new grades.
Posted by Hillary Clinton on Saturday, February 27, 2016 Great tactic!
Great tactic!
Another great tactic I use to make my runs more interesting are to perform this outside.
You never stop amazing me both with your stylish outfits and great tactics of dealing with life situations xa
This is how you win her heart completely by these great tactics.
Meetings guys at the gym is a great tactic, but with that hot spot temporarily dry, I'm off to the computer, and hopefully greener pastures.
Yes, just smiling a lot is a great tactic when meeting people.
If you want to set - up your potential match for disappointment, this is a great tactic, but do you really want to set your self up for failure by providing an unrealistic expectation for you to live up too.
Imagine meeting someone for the first time and tells them a little about yourself - this could be a great tactic for finding the right words, especially if you have a business profile writer's block.
Humor is a great tactic to engage an audience, and shocking or sad stories elicit people's emotions.
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