Sentences with phrase «greater clarity needed»

Was greater clarity needed about how new taxes directly benefit the taxpayer?

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In her book, Melanie Ross has provided us with an affectionate framing of evangelical liturgical practices that will surely bring a greater and much - needed clarity to the conversation between evangelicals and high - church Christians, if not a greater sympathy.
We joined an abusive, (house / semi-communal) «Bible» church primarily because it seemed to provide what we desperately felt we needed at that time, as a young couple, expecting our first child: Stability, Clarity of belief, «Coolness», Community, and a sense that we were joining something that promised it was going to have a great impact on the culture in the future, and we were thus getting in on the «bottom floor.»
In the meantime we need to encourage medical researchers to continue in their search for greater clarity concerning what constitutes medical death, and governments to legislate in such a way as to protect the sanctity of life, and respect for the individual.
With a clarity not easily misunderstood, it begins with a restatement of the two great commandments, then gives a graphic picture of neighborliness in a situation of response to human need that transcends any man - made lines of division.
We need a new and authentic development of doctrine that will allow us to see the mysteries of human sexuality and its sacred meanings more clearly so we can proclaim it to the world with greater clarity.
Even so, both Palmer and Rorty occasionally mystify and perplex readers who need greater clarity about the exact connections between community on the one hand and knowledge and truth on the other.
But if children's needs are the focus, then a programme for fatherhood will emerge with greater clarity and sympathy than if the focus is on «fathers» rights».
Lori's activities, personal stories, and grid analysis on four different styles of «openness» led to greater awareness and clarity as to what the adults truly need to do in relationships with children to both acknowledge and «heal the split between biology and biography.»
The group felt that there will need to be much greater clarity on how the wider land reform proposals fit in with the Scottish Government's own objectives in terms of deer and game management and its aims to deliver landscape scale biodiversity recovery across Scotland.
The Executive Budget reflects better times and proposes new investments in key areas such as infrastructure, but greater clarity is needed on how the state will pay for it all.»
Instead, he identified immigration, Brexit and the future of the economy as issues where Labour needed to give «greater clarity».
Last month's calls for greater clarity over the IPCC's new budget calculations could be taken as a sign that governments are looking for clearer signs on how far emissions cuts need to go and how quickly.
Its daily practice creates the clarity for greater self control needed to overcome behavioral addictions.
I believe our entire society needs more calm and peace and through yoga we can find moments of greater clarity, awareness, and understanding.
Some of the changes that I have witnessed include the disappearance of chronic headaches, fibromyalgia pain, sleep apnea, sugar and other food cravings; lowering of cholesterol levels and inflammation; a better relationship with food, a greater sense of clarity, more energy, resolution of chronic constipation, reducing or eliminating the need for medications, and in many cases weight loss.
The issue of whole grains versus refined grains versus enriched grains is another area where greater clarity is needed.
This creates familiarity with the platform and a greater understanding among our teachers for the need for clarity and regular feedback.
«The National Literacy Programme will introduce greater consistency and clarity into the way we track pupils» progress while also providing the support, challenge and accountability needed in our schools.»
We know with greater clarity than ever before: unless teacher development is shaped by individual teacher and student needs and part of a coherent system of support, educator practices won't change and students won't have access to the great teaching they deserve.
Although it may seem simpler in the short run to make teacher decisions based largely on a single set of student scores, this approach has thus far produced more heat than light in analyses of teaching, often creating greater confusion where more clarity is needed.
It is in this framework that we need to consider our present economic plight and the charting of our path forward.In his penetrating analysis of contemporary society, author John Horvat focuses on the present crisis with great insight and clarity.
IBPA's Hybrid Publisher Criteria provides much - needed clarity, sets strong author - friendly standards for hybrid publishers, and will no doubt encourage authors to consider hybrid publishing with greater confidence than before.»
This may be the first electronic device that doesn't absolutely need a screen protector, which is great — screen protectors can be difficult to install and tend to reduce the overall screen clarity.
Rick and Russ argue that the recently enacted U.S. tax cut and an evolving monetary policy backdrop provides both greater clarity on expected increases in volatility and underscores the need to remain flexible and opportunistic in allocation.
«ABTA has long - argued that consumer protection hasn't kept pace with the changing ways in which people can book travel and that there is a need for greater clarity around consumer protection for businesses and consumers alike.
«One need only consider Abstract Expressionism, for just a moment, as just another style to see with a great deal of clarity that, in the Post World War II period, geometric abstraction, or op art, or hard edge painting, or whatever you want to call it was, in fact, the dominant global idiom of that era, the true cosmopolitan language of art.
Everyone needs to have great clarity about what is going to happen to the Earth's biosphere and the human species if anthropogenic global warming continues, and clear language describing this will be, appropriately, apocalyptic.
This is a naive stance, but it has moral clarity, and I think simplicity and clarity of purpose is needed, in addition to a great deal of research on low - carbon energy.
But if you've ever had to pound the pavement yourself or are close to someone whose job it is to seal the deal, then you know that the need to hit a target can bring a great deal of clarity to your work.
While the UK Government has provided some much needed clarity on the rights of EU workers pre-Brexit and during the transition period, there is still a great deal of uncertainty over EU workers» rights after the transition period and this is likely to continue until the Government publishes its White Paper on immigration.
Its previous report, «The Great Repeal Bill», published in March 2017, noted that the process of converting EU law into UK law «will be extremely complicated» and that clarity was needed on how the process would be undertaken and how non-legislative elements of EU law should be treated.
The gorgeous, luxurious screen makes the iMac a great choice for multi-purpose use: As a workstation, it's got a big enough monitor with all the space you could need; as an entertainment center or even a TV replacement, it's got vivid colors, deep blacks, and unparalleled color clarity.
The filings suggest that the BitLicense is being interpreted broadly by the legal representatives of these companies, and that greater clarity is needed by the NYDFS to indicate the entities and financial products covered under the measure.
My therapeutic approach is to help clients identify unhealthy patterns, develop greater clarity about how those patterns may interfere with personal values and goals, and work toward needed behavior change.
We need a place where we sense what's right, where we hear what is most important, and where we see with our greatest clarity.
The discussion focused on the need for greater conceptual and empirical clarity regarding the pubertal timing - depression association and its potential moderators.
Therapy sessions are uniquely tailored to suit my clients individual needs so that they can achieve a greater sense of mental clarity that will allow them to flourish in many areas of their lives.
One of her goals is to help you identify your strengths and the strategies needed for growth, greater clarity and more self - confidence.
Overall, findings from the present study, as well as Carr and colleagues, point to the need to add greater clarity in our conceptualizations of the mental - physical health linkages in the context of marriage.
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