Sentences with phrase «greater differences between»

There were greater differences between the sex - based groups: ACE Item 3 (sexual abuse) loads on the factor for females 45 % more than for males, and comparable to others (self - identified sex), sexual abuse loads on the factor for others 40 % more than for males.
1) Digital books are not always so dissimilar to print books, and there exist perhaps greater differences between print formats than between some print formats and some digital formats.
In the 20 to 10 million years before the mass extinction that toppled all dinosaurs except for birds, the researchers found, therian mammals did not have a large number of species — but there were greater differences between each species.
They found that the more hours per day a person spent working, the greater the differences between the actual time they spent sitting down and the time they wanted to spend sitting down, indicating that the longer an employee spends working, the less time they want to spend sitting down.
There are greater differences between these approaches than Wheeler realizes.
One of the greatest differences between the National Ignition Facility's experimental efforts and a working fusion plant will be the compactness of the lasers.
The greater the difference between how much money you make and how much money you spend, the richer you can get.
And the greater the difference between your income now and your income in retirement, the more advantageous a Roth account can be.
The introduction of ensemble methods would have made the greatest difference between 2009 and early - 2010.
Both saw a great difference between the GodSpell and the Gospel - practice.
As Robert Bellarmine summarizes, «if anyone wants to master easily and quickly the art of dying well, he should... carefully consider the great difference between the momentary and the everlasting, between the slight and the immense, not once, but often.»
There was a great difference between the assassination of Malcolm X and that of Martin Luther King.
However, there is a great difference between legitimate doubt as to the precise moment of death and the position of a priest asked to anoint a body in a funeral parlour many hours or days after death.
There is no great difference between our time and Noah's time concerning the faith.
There is a great difference between one who simply claims to be a Muslim and one who actually IS a Muslim.
But even if they were, given the great differences between capitalist systems, it does not seem reasonable to blame capitalism in general if a particular type of capitalist system encourages gross inequities.
There are great differences between the ways of thinking, the valuations, and the orientations that arise out of these two foci of attention and concern.
'' @ False Reality: There is a great difference between the commandments of god (instruction if you will) and Christian Theology that developed over these past few thousand yrs.
This is the great difference between believing in a personal God and an impersonal one.
But for me the greatest difference between Thomas Aquinas» Cosmological Argument and any and all arguments from design comes from what all the advocates of design admit: that the candidate for the Intelligent Designer could be, at least theoretically, just about any supra «human intelligent manipulator of complex artifacts, from outer «space aliens to Al Gore's Mama Gaia.
There is, of course, a great difference between the existence of God and the existence of the unicorn.
R. H. Charles was right when he drew our attention to the great difference between the fleshly and the spiritual views of the resurrection, both of which were held by Jews of this period.
This renewed vision, the ability to see the cosmos in the light of the Resurrection is the great difference between the natural vision and the supernatural vision.
First, it is to be remembered that preaching is oral communication, and, as was pointed out earlier, there are great differences between oral and written communication.
Finally, and most importantly, the great difference between this book and Niebuhr's is theological.
But there is a great difference between a more simple life - style and poverty.
There is a great difference between the claim that this teaching is now largely obsolete, and claiming that the Church's teaching was wrong or has changed, for the second premise is not a necessary conclusion of the first.
There is, to be sure, a great difference between classical Hebrew prophecy and the ultimate development of legalistic Judaism; but for centuries and beginning with Israel's beginnings prophecy and law developed in close parallel and affinity.
Certainly there are some distinct differences between modern secular culture and the state of Christendom out of which it has come, just as there are great differences between traditional Christianity and the Judaism out of which it emerged, and of which it claimed to be the fulfilment.
But for Christians there is a great difference between the judgment of God and bare rational criticism, just as there is a great difference between meeting God in an idea and meeting God in Jesus of Nazareth.
There is, however, a very great difference between their deaths.
Even the attempt to delineate two basic strands, the numinous and the mystical (Chapter 5 above), must not be construed as an exhaustive characterization, and must be coupled with recognition of the great differences between religious traditions.
From this difference, I suspect, flows the other great differences between my religious, moral, and intellectual orientation and Spinoza's: the sovereignty and mysteriousness of God; the enigmatic, tantalizing imprecision of religious language; the freedom of man; the fear of God and the value of repentance; the sheer particularity and fateful contingency of individual and historical existence.
Nevertheless, the great differences between human and other occasions in all other respects also have their importance in the area of freedom.
There remain, in my view, great differences between Buddhism and a Buddhized Christianity, but they are complementary rather than contradictory.
Ah, this is the great difference between real men, and boys.
Although quite considerable differences exist between the mystic religions of redemption and the prophetic religions of revelation (and even among the latter there are great differences between the closely related Judaism, Zoroastrian Mazdaism, Islam, and Christianity)-- important as these differences may be, they are overarched by an ultimate unity.
Likewise there is a great difference between a reflective person and any non-human animals we know.
But even amongst people today there is a great difference between a deeply reflective person and one who hardly reflects at all.
There's not a great difference between the two but his total score is 0.06 better so far this campaign than it was last season.
There is a great difference between cleaning your own skin and that delicate one of your baby's.
Try this product, and you will see the great difference between it and the others.
Weird that there are such great differences between countries.
There is a great difference between...
There are great differences between the amounts of caffeine contained in foods and drinks, and also in the rates of absorption and elimination of caffeine from one woman to another.
«African descent» is so broad, genetically speaking: two sub-Saharan African women may have a greater difference between their genomes than that between a Swedish and a Japanese woman.
If you wonder whether there is a great difference between whole and lower - fat milk, here are some figures to be referred:
There is a great difference between putting food in the mouth and actually swallowing it.
In the end the greatest difference between the countries is that India and Pakistan demonstrably use their nuclear arms for deterrence, while North Korea uses theirs in combination with an unstable dictator (or at least, a dictator who believes it is to his advantage to appear unstable) to garner concessions from the world in what one could call blackmail.
Most geologists see contamination of aquifers as unlikely because of the great difference between the depths at which fracking is carried out and the shallow aquifers from which we get our water.
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