Sentences with phrase «greater hip»

The split squat displays greater hip extension moments, and smaller knee extension moments than the standard back squat.
The split squat appears to display greater hip extension moments and smaller knee extension moments than the standard back squat.
Traditional (not force vector - specific) alternatives include trap bar deadlift jumps and jump squats, and these may also be necessary for developing the adductor magnus, which has a larger moment arm in greater hip flexion.
Performing hip extension movements in greater hip abduction may therefore increase gluteus maximus involvement, and thereby produce a superior training effect.
It was reported that using greater hip abduction led to higher gluteus medius muscle activity.
However, Flanagan et al. (2004) compared joint moments between the forward and lateral lunges and reported that the forward lunge displayed greater hip extensor moments, suggesting that it involves the gluteus maximus to a greater degree.
They noted that squat jumps produced greater hip extension moment than back squats with a moderate load (272 vs. 149Nm) and that the ratio between hip extension moments in these two exercises was smaller than the ratio between knee extension moments (1.8 vs. 2.3 times).
But this is also contradicted by research, as erector spinae muscle activation is similar in both exercises, probably because of greater hip extension moments in the split squat.
It helps build great hip extension and really taxes the grip.
The asymmetric dropped waist gives great hip definition.
11 Warrener, A.G., et al. «A Wider Pelvis Does Not Increase Locomotor Cost in Humans, with Implications for the Evolution of... continue Overall, female runners demonstrate greater hip adduction, hip internal rotation, and knee abduction than men which can lead to more strain on the knee joint and surrounding connective tissues.
For example, Lunnen et al. (1981) studied a much greater hip flexion angle (135 degrees) than many of the other researchers (e.g. Mohamed et al. 2002; Guex et al. 2012) and it is possible that the large stretch in this position moved the muscle up the passive arm of the length - tension curve, thereby reducing neural drive.
Similarly, Jang and Woo (2015) found that using greater hip abduction during a sit - to - stand exercise in elderly subjects involved higher gluteus medius muscle activity.
You can also dedicate more training time to building greater hip flexor strength and flexibility, as this will help you run more efficiently and lessen the impact on your knees and calves.
Greater hip motion equally more emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings, and greater knee motion equals more emphasis on the quadriceps.
Spiteri et al. (2013) found that stronger athletes were faster at COD maneuvers and produced a more horizontally - directed force vector, likely through a lower body position (by greater hip and knee flexion).
In their follow - up study, Riemann et al. (2013) also reported the same finding, that the forward lunge displays greater hip joint moment impulses than the lateral lunge, while the lateral lunge displays greater knee and ankle joint moment impulses than the forward lunge.
Hip extension - flexion — Unclear effects during hip abduction / external rotation movements, although greater hip flexion could possibly be beneficial
However, Wiktorsson - Moller et al. (38) demonstrated that massage improved ROM but that static stretching resulted in significantly greater hip, knee, and ankle ROM than that obtained by massage, warming up, or warming up and massage combined.
These greater moment arm lengths would then necessitate greater hip extension moments to produce this squat variation.
So exercises that involve less knee extension (hip thrusts, deadlifts, pull throughs and back extensions) will tend to produce much greater hip muscle activation than those that involve more knee extension (squats, lunges, and leg presses), although there are other factors involved of course!
They found that longer step lengths involved greater hip extensor moments than shorter step lengths.
Indeed, in modelling the Smith Machine squat, Abelbeck (2002) found that foot placements further from the bar path produced greater hip extension torque than foot placements closer to the bar path.
They reported that greater hip flexion led to greater gluteus medius muscle activity compared to lesser hip flexion.
Comparing the effect of squats with different stance widths, Escamilla et al. (2001a) reported no differences in hip moment arm lengths between the narrow, medium, and wide stance width squats at any point in the lowering and lifting phases, except at 45 degrees of knee flexion in the lifting phase, when the medium and wide stance width squats displayed greater hip moment arm lengths than narrow stance width squats.
Hip abduction - adduction — Greater hip abduction leads to greater gluteus medius muscle activity during multi-joint hip extension movements
«Many runners can benefit from opening their hips to allow for greater hip extension and efficiency in their stride.»
Never been a huge fan of grime but High Focus Records have been producing some great hip hop for a while.
Hi, I'm Kristin McGee and I'm here to take you through a great hip - opening yoga sequence that's good for beginner, intermediate, and advanced practitioners.
Generally speaking, lifters who squat narrow keep their feet pointed forward and lifters who squat with a wider stance tend to flare their feet slightly, thereby allowing for a greater hip involvement and reducing the risk of knee valgus.
Since the hips are multidirectional joints that can produce force in three planes of motion, the wide stance squat provides a superior possibility to train the hips in all three planes and develop stable hip joints by producing larger hip extension movements and greater hip flexion than narrow stance squats.
This is a great hip, butt and thigh workout that will tone up these areas but won't increase the size of your legs.
Below is a great hip exercise for the inner thigh using a cable machine, and as an added benefit the hip stabilizers on the standing leg are also strengthened at the same time.
The Pigeon Pose is a great hip, chest and shoulder opener.
(3) The horse stance, another great hip loosener and also the position needed when sliding down into the box splits.
It's going to give you a great hip stretch and get your lower body ready for the next 18 holes.
A great hip stretch, but we're mostly interested in the triceps here, so if the leg position is too uncomfortable, you can just sit cross-legged.
The closer your feet are to your body the greater the hip stretch.
Below is a great hip exercise for the glute maximus using a cable machine, and as an added benefit the hip stabilizers on the standing leg are also strengthened at the same time.
Another great hip exercise for men and women is cable hip abductions.
This is a great hip mobility exercise to perform at the end of your routine.
The Figure 8 to Hold is similar to the Figure 8, but requires a greater hip snap and rotation in order to get the kettlebell up to the torso.
Summary The Figure 8 to Hold is similar to the Figure 8, but requires a greater hip snap and rotation in order to get the kettlebell up to the torso.
Push your foot into the thigh and the thigh back into the foot as you rotate the knee back exposing the pelvis — This is a great hip opener.
In general, the powerlifting technique appears to lead to a greater hip extension moment than the traditional or Olympic back squat (Wretenberg et al. 1996; Swinton et al. 2012).
It may be the case that the movement pattern can be performed in either a hip - dominant or a knee - dominant way and that greater inclination of the trunk leads to greater hip extension moments (Yoshioka et al. 2007).
Flanagan et al. (2004) reported that in elderly subjects with just bodyweight loading, the forward lunge displayed a greater hip extension moment than the lateral lunge (92Nm vs. 81Nm).
Alternatively, it could imply that performing hip extension movements in greater hip external rotation leads to greater adductor EMG amplitude performing hip extension movements in greater hip adduction does not.
Greater bar speed seems to lead to a greater hip extension moment (Morrissey et al. 1998; Manabe et al. 2007; Yoshioka et al. 2009), although the findings of Sugisaki et al. (2014) comparing squat jumps with back squats with moderate loads are difficult to interpret.
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