Sentences with phrase «greater human possibilities»

If a species of whales becomes extinct while whalers become prosperous, the potential loss to human happiness is great, and only if greater human possibilities are created is the deed justified.

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The great «health transition,» as some call it, seemed to require adjustment in the face of changed possibilities for human flourishing.
He refused to believe that the false ideas of the human person and human history embodied in communism could divide Europe indefinitely; and by igniting a revolution of conscience behind the iron curtain, the man the last president of the Soviet Union called «the world's greatest moral authority» became an agent of liberation for his Slavic brethren and the precursor of new possibilities in international affairs.
Far from condoning every destruction of nature that is executed in the name of human purposes, the maximal happiness principle prescribes such sacrifice only when the human possibilities are thereby greater than they would otherwise be.
But it also follows that human individuals themselves have the greatest potential for increasing the possibilities of other human individuals.
Given the distinctiveness of human existence and the aesthetic character of reality, it follows that greater beauty is served insofar as subhuman existence is so ordered as to maximize the possibilities of happiness.
The good life can be lived only with due recognition of such restraints as well as of the great possibilities of the human will.
Now that we face the possibility of human life springing not from a fertilized egg but from a clone, we are making great account (some would say too much account) of this possible new way for infants to come into the world.
Just as Republicans may be accused of ignoring their responsibility to the poor and oppressed, so you are guilty of choosing to ignore the possibility that we may have a greater responsibility to humankind — a responsibility to promote a culture of life, instead of death, a culture in which every human life is valued and allowed to reach its full potential.
Today more than ever before we feel the need — and also see a greater possibility — of objectifying the problem of the subjectivity of the human being... [W] e can no longer go on treating the human being exclusively as an objective being, but we must also somehow treat the human being as a subject in the dimension in which the specifically human subjectivity of the human being is determined by consciousness.
Can we find new words, seek new ways, create new possibilities out of the material and human spirit to transform the existing exploitative social order and discern the great human potential?
The tradition of Christian humanism, by joining together the dynamisms of the previous two great expansions, arguably opens the maximal horizon of human possibility.
In doing this, we have also seen how one of the consequences of authentic preaching is a determination, established in the hearts and minds and wills of those who have assisted at worship, to give themselves more fully to the service of God — as «co-creators», in Whitehead's fine word, with God in the great work of «amorization», establishing in this world (so far as a finite order will permit it) a society marked by caring, justice, responsibility, interest in others, and relief from oppression, devoted to everything positive which promotes the fullest actualization of human possibility.
In the face of the marvel of what can be called the immensely small world of the atom, and the immensely great world of the cosmos, the human mind feels itself completely surpassed in its possibilities of creation and even of imagination, and understands that a work of such quality and of such proportions demands a Creator whose wisdom is beyond all measure, and whose power is infinite.
Of architecture, Engles believes that there are even greater opportunities to shape the framework of human life by opening the doors to any imaginable possibility.
But more to the present point, it is by sacrifice — by the voluntary loss of some good out of devotion to a greater good, that the highest possibilities in human life are realized.
Since I left print journalism to study theology two decades ago, I've thought a great deal about the limits and possibilities of words - especially when we try to navigate the spiritual territory of human life.
There are great differences among these three spokes - persons for social possibility and pathology, but they all focus on the fact that societies have ways in which to articulate and distort certain kinds of truth that make human life possible Or problematic.
With atomic and hydrogen bombs now stock - piled by both the United States and Russia in sufficient quantity and potency to destroy all human life upon the planet and with guided missiles to deliver them quickly to their targets, the annihilation not only of great cities but of entire nations in a matter of minutes has now become a staggering possibility.
The possibility held before us is a new freedom in human relationships and a greater capacity for genuine concern and sensitivity.
Second, globalization requires a greater degree of adaptability to the larger variety of human possibilities and capabilities that is made available.
On St. Thomas's view, freedom is in fact the great organizing principle of the moral life — and since the very possibility of a moral life (the capacity to think and choose) is what distinguishes the human person from the rest of the natural world, freedom is the great organizing principle of a life lived in a truly human way.
While Feedback admits that food going to redistributing food for human consumption should be the priority, there is still a great deal of value in using inedible food for animal feed, and once that possibility is ruled out, composting or anaerobic digestion should be considered.
The uniqueness of eyes as a form of human fingerprint has led to their vastly increased use for ID purposes and, beyond that, a vast database of eye photos has opened up far greater possibilities for research in Ian's specialty.
There is now a great deal of medical literature on the effects of EMF exposure in humans so if your bitch has flakey seasons or you suddenly have a dud for a stud, consider the possibility of electromagnetic fields and look it up.
They vastly outnumber human patients so there is a greater possibility to learn from successful experiences and apply these to humans.
In addition, collaborative efforts with human complementary and alternative medical institutions would offer great possibilities for development in human health care as well.
It is excreted in the feces of infected dogs, and if someone — human, dog, bird, etc. — steps in (or otherwise comes in contact with) the excrement, the possibility for contamination is great.
Increasingly sophisticated techniques and enhanced computational capacity allow a greater range of events — heatwaves, floods, drought, heat deaths, coral reef bleaching — to be analysed for a human fingerprint with ever greater levels of certainty than Allen's exploratory possibilities.
To my mind the possibility, which certainly has a great deal of at least circumstantial evidence behind it, that humans are causing global warming is enough to suggest that we should cease the behaviors that have the potential of destroying our planet.
This is the great power of relationships: Creating intimacy is the crucible for growing into a fully autonomous human being while the process of becoming a fully realized person expands the possibility for intimacy and connection.»
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