Sentences with phrase «greater level of intelligence»

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Traditional intelligence is certainly handy to have, but it's also possible to achieve great things with less raw computational horsepower and higher levels of these other skills.
Tolerance of other people's beliefs not only indicate a higher level of intelligence, but a greater level of maturity.
He also has great levels of footballing intelligence and sheer amount of inventiveness.
«This pretty much confirms what we've been saying, that the benefits of breastfeeding are great, and now there is proof that intelligence levels can be improved into adulthood,» said Kim Cavaliero, spokeswoman for the Schaumburg - based advocacy group La Leche League International.
The greater the level of emotional intelligence of workers employed in the public domain, the better the service they provide, according to new research conducted at the University of Haifa.
So in this issue Hanson follows that through to a conclusion coming up with tiny insect - like robots with greater than human level intelligence living by the billions in skyscrapers and sort of doing their virtual work at the equivalent of pennies per day and what this leads to, there are two different ideas about what this kind of economic runaway advancement would ultimately lead to.
With a greater awareness of what is happening at an anatomical and physiological level when we practice yoga, we can teach from a place of intelligence in a way that benefits all students.
When they used to make movies like these (All the President's Men, for example), they presumed a certain level of intelligence in the audience or, failing that, an attention span and a feeling of sobriety before a great national shame.
If a firm effectively manages their accounting, they can begin to form extremely valuable business intelligence surrounding some of their more successful practice areas and allocate the appropriate resources to ensure the greatest levels of success for the firm.
If a firm effectively manages its accounting, it can begin to form extremely valuable business intelligence surrounding some of its more successful practice areas, and allocate the appropriate resources to ensure the greatest levels of success for the firm.
I think it's a great watch that has some decent «smarts,» but its intelligence is not quite at the level of Apple's and Google's more robust platforms.
Employers seek business candidates who have high levels of emotional intelligence, people who are great communicators, and people who can manage their time and organize their work flow.
These interviews are a great way for the employer to determine your emotional intelligence, level of creativity, and ability to think on - the - spot — while maintaining your composure.
A high level of social awareness and emotional intelligence helps with this a great deal.
Erin has a high level of competence, great intelligence, flexibility, and an excellent problem solving aptitude.
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