Sentences with phrase «greater middle trapezius»

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Research has shown that EMG activity in the middle trapezius is the greatest during shoulder external rotation and flexion in the prone position (think mini-range lat pull - downs, voyeur shrugs, half T - raises and standing calf raise shrugs), so make the most use of that.
A reverse flye machine is a great way to work the posterior deltoid, rhomboids, and middle trapezius.
Some research suggests that this lift has great benefits for the middle trapezius and rhomboid muscles which actually outweigh the benefits of the lat pulldown machine.
The middle trapezius muscle appears to produce its greatest muscle activity during horizontal pulling exercises such as the bent - over row, seated row and inverted row regardless of stability requirement or scapula retraction.
However, Ackland et al. (2011) explored the moment arm lengths of the neck muscles and found that the upper and middle fibers of the trapezius displayed its greatest force producing capacity during neck extension.
Overall, it appears that the middle trapezius muscle activity is greater during the start and middle phases of the deadlift compared to the top of the lift.
The researchers report that middle trapezius muscle activity tended to be greater during the seated row with retraction but was not statistically different compared to the seated row without retraction.
Therefore, the middle trapezius appears to display its greatest muscle activity during horizontal rowing exercises.
It appears that upper trapezius muscle activity is greater upright rowing movements, while middle trapezius muscle activity seems to be higher during horizontal rowing movements, such as the bent - over row.
Regular barbell shrugs are a great exercise for the upper traps, but when you lean forward slightly you can increase the range of motion and work your upper trapezius even harder, while adding in the middle trapezius.
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