Sentences with phrase «greater peace and prosperity»

CAFOD's local partner, Bishop Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of the Catholic diocese of Tombura - Yambio, recently conducted a meeting of religious leaders and governors from nine counties of South Sudan to seek ways of «promoting greater peace and prosperity to the present and future generation».
The discussion should focus on political freedom, economic growth and greater peace and prosperity.
America experienced an era of great peace and prosperity during the 1920s.

Not exact matches

Our greatest opportunities are now global — like spreading prosperity and freedom, promoting peace and understanding, lifting people out of poverty, and accelerating science.
If the SDGs are grouped into the five P's 1) People 2) Planet 3) Prosperity 4) Peace and 5) Partnerships then the trend shows that SDGs which focus on «people» present the greatest business potential for business leaders.
Perhaps he could explain his 40 days in the wilderness wrestling with three great dreams for fixing the world — prosperity, peace and immunity from premature death.
This history was to find its fulfillment in an even greater victory at the end - time when all nations would be blessed through Israel in a Kingdom in which righteousness, peace, and prosperity reigned supreme.
Indeed, Böckenförde wholly neglects to give praise to that particular combination of democratic (or more properly, republican) polity, inventive, adaptive and mind - centered economy, and humanistic culture (of specifically Jewish - Christian, not merely Greek origin) that have brought the last three generations of Europeans the greatest internal peace, easy prosperity, and getmütlich ways of living in many, many centuries.
Again the secularized social church may undertake to aid a human society in its pursuit of the great values of peace and prosperity.
The great and the good, however, increasingly regard national loyalties as dangerous impediments to international peace and prosperity.
To put it another way — with a nod to Reinhold Niebuhr, whose work appears even sounder as it ages — we need a greater capacity to be at ease with limited and partial solutions to problems, rather than continually seeking permanent «peace and prosperity
Bring peace and prosperity to our great land!
Change comes to those with the courage to will it; 20 years from now let people say this great generation created a decade not of austerity, but shared prosperity, not of conflict, but of peace, not of inequality and climate chaos, but of sustainable development in the interests of all.
«Let us continue to look into the future of our great country with hope and the attainment of our sacred rights to peace, progress, prosperity and the derived dignity of every person, regardless of his or...
«Whereas, the movement further resolved to be inspired and motivated by the ideals of social democracy, with great emphasis on: the triumph of social justice; the nobility of human dignity; the harmony of fairness and equality; the power of working together in solidarity; the excellence of good governance, driven by good leadership; the wisdom of reforms and transformation far beyond mere growth; the horror of poverty, demanding eradication; the dignity of prosperity; the imperative of democracy and the security of peace with justice
HANGZHOU, China, 9 July 2016 — Energy is central to social and economic well - being, and all the countries in the world, as well as the United Nations, must make an effort to work together to realize the great promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the new global framework for advancing peace and prosperity for all on a healthy planet.
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