Sentences with phrase «greater peak moment»

The three regions of the latissimus dorsi appear to function similarly as primary shoulder extensors in the scapular plane (although the superior and inferior fibers seem to have greater peak moment arm lengths than the middle fibers) while displaying peak moment arm lengths at very different joint angles.
In this plane, the superior and inferior fibers seem to have greater peak moment arm lengths than the middle fibers, implying that the superior and inferior fibers are most important for scapular plane shoulder extension.
The superior and inferior fibers have greater peak moment arm lengths than the middle fibers.

Not exact matches

Still, Torres formed a fine partnership with Gerrard at their peak, and provided the Anfield crowd with some great moments, as shown in the video below.
Comparing different squat variations, Swinton et al. (2012) reported that peak ankle moment arm lengths were greater in the traditional squat variation than in either the powerlifting or box squat variations.
Comparing squat variations, Russell and Phillips (1989) reported that peak hip extensor moments were greater during the back squat than in the front squat, even when each variation was performed to a standardized depth and with the same relative load.
Assessing the effects of cues, Fry et al. (2003) and Lorenzetti et al. (2010) found that peak hip extensor moments were greater when lifters were visibly or forcibly cued to prevent the knee from moving forward over the toes, compared to when they were allowed to lift normally but Hirata and Duarte (2007) found the opposite.
Comparing different squat variations, Swinton et al. (2012) reported that peak ankle plantar flexor moments were greater in the traditional squat variation than in either the box or powerlifting squat variations, but there was no difference between box and powerlifting squats.
Wretenberg et al. (1996) similarly observed that peak hip extensor moment was greater when heavier loads were used, although this was likely also a function of differences between powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting styles of squat.
Comparing different squat variations, Swinton et al. (2012) reported that peak lumbosacral moment arm lengths were greater in the traditional and powerlifting squat variations than in the box squat variations.
Comparing different squat variations, Swinton et al. (2012) reported that peak knee extension moment arm lengths were greatest in the order box > traditional > powerlifting squat variations.
Wretenberg et al. (1996) found that peak knee extensor moments were lower during powerlifting squats than during Olympic weightlifting - style squats, even though the powerlifting squats involved the use of greater absolute loads; Swinton et al. (2012) reported that peak knee extensor moments were greater in the box squat variation than in either the traditional or powerlifting squat variations, but there was no difference between traditional and powerlifting squats.
This was associated with the more acute peak trunk angles displayed by the inexperienced lifters, which was taken to imply a greater moment arm length at the hip joint.
Wretenberg et al. (1996) found that peak knee extensor moments were greater during both powerlifting squats and during Olympic weightlifting - style squats when performed with greater depth (deep = maximal knee flexion vs. parallel = posterior of the hamstrings parallel to the ground).
McLaughlin et al. (1978) similarly noted that peak knee extensor moments were smaller in individuals who displayed greater trunk lean and more acute hip angles, which is associated with this type of exercise cue.
Moreover, the hip extension moment measured during deadlifts appears to be slightly greater than that measured in the traditional back squat and this may be a result of the greater peak external moment arm at the hip, (c.f. Escamilla et al. 2000; Escamilla et al. 2001b).
They found that the straight - leg lift displayed the greatest peak hip extension moment (124Nm), followed by the bent - leg lift with the load far from the body (105Nm), and finally the bent - leg lift with the load close to the body (88Nm).
While the anterior deltoid displays a peak moment arm length greater than the middle deltoid, Keuchle et al (1997) reported that the average moment arm length to be 23.4 mm compared to 16.5 mm, indicating the greater contribution of the middle deltoid moment arm length throughout the full range of motion.
I feel as if the fall colors are its peak at the moment so this weekend would be a great time to head out the Shenandoah!
There's a great moment when the Granite Mountain Hotshots sit on a peak watching a fire burn out on the horizon; as enflamed trees tumble off the side of the mountain they slip through the fog and crash to the ground with a boom, setting off mini mushroom clouds of flame and fire as they do.
Chung experienced his greatest moments of doubt during the peak of his career as a cartoonist: «I thought: What if I was them?
Street photography is one of the great genres of modernist photography, peaking at mid-century with the work of Robert Frank, Gary Winogrand, Helen Levitt and others who used the camera to capture the strange little extemporaneous moments one experiences walking city streets.
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