Sentences with phrase «greater role in»

They also suggest that investors will play as great or a greater role in the recovery of local real estate markets in the months to come than they have in the past.
«Economic factors like monthly payments, rising interest rates and property tax increases are playing a much greater role in home ownership decisions — particularly among the first - time home buyer segment.»
Global commercial investments have also slowed, which in the first quarter of 2017 decreased nearly 20 percent year - over-year; however, certain U.S. markets are seeing good global cash flow with $ 76 billion flowing to the U.S. «International buyers are likely to play a greater role in the U.S. market this year.
Curb appeal plays a much greater role in today's buyer's market and the condition of nearby homes can factor into the appraisal value of a home.
The net effect is that CFOs and COOs are playing a greater role in the real estate - decision making process.
Carson also said he believes private companies should play a greater role in the mortgage market.
More recent work on homophily has shown that experiential similarity plays an even greater role in these processes than does structural similarity (Suitor, Pillemer, & Keeton, 1995; Thoits, 1986; 2011), primarily because this dimension of similarity increases empathetic understanding and positive affect (Thoits, 1986; 2011).
In particular, they were looking for new processes that would provide them with a greater role in addressing the underlying problems on their own terms.
The aim of the law and justice plans was «to facilitate the empowerment of the local community to assume a greater role in law and justice, and to address law and justice concerns through local dispute resolution where practical.»
Many of those who complete these workshops move on to take a greater role in our district, by joining school site committees, or by becoming involved in decision making at the district level.
Essentially, the child support calculation and collection scheme is still administered by the CSA, now called the Child Maintenance Service, with the help of the HMRC who have a greater role in providing information.
Where the intention of the legislature is not expressly stated the court plays a greater role in interpreting the legislation so as to give effect to its purpose.
As well as expanding our coverage to all health and related areas, the HealthInfoNet could play a much greater role in building the capacity of Indigenous health workers.
The «active» PBC model would have a greater role in decision - making and suits the trustee PBC type which holds the native title rights and interests on trust for the native title holders, having discretion to deal with the rights and interests as it chooses as long as its decisions are in the best interests of the native title holders and it consults in relation to «native title decisions».
Perhaps, as one option, we could strengthen the resource capacity of the Children's Commissioner to have a greater role in monitoring all that we do in regard to child protection and to issue regular reports to the wider community about how we are tracking in the full range of child protection matters, not the least of which is kinship care.
I would like to move into the Clinical Trials Associate position so that I can play a greater role in drug development.
In addition, pharmacy technicians may be needed to take on a greater role in pharmacy operations because pharmacists are increasingly performing more patient care activities such as giving flu shots.
I am also computer - oriented, and believe that computers should play a greater role in our healthcare system, as they can help reduce the number of medication errors and mathematical miscalculations, when utilized properly.
But this seemingly innocuous factor plays a greater role in your success (or failure) than you would think.
However, the Conservative government's proposed changes to make the immigration system faster, flexible and to give employers a greater role in selecting new Canadians, may encourage more overseas hiring.
[1][2][10][19][24] The relatively greater salience of negative events or information means they ultimately play a greater role in the judgment process.
Sources talking to The Information earlier in 2016 claimed that Google was looking to play a much greater role in the hardware design, as well as software, making the smartphone manufacturer more of a contractor than a partner, which has clearly happened.
Now, nearly a year after the election, it seems clear that Facebook played a greater role in the election's outcome than any other tech platform.
Given indications that institutional investors may be starting to play a much greater role in the Bitcoin markets, this is significant.
IDC states, «Products with larger screens — like Microsoft's new 2 - in - 1, the 12 - inch Surface Pro 3 — are expected to play a greater role in the market going forward.»
Bloomberg's Gurman also says Google Assistant will assume a greater role in Android P, integrating more tightly with apps and the OS to help it stay ahead of rivals Alexa and Siri.
Metcalf believes games will play a greater role in political discourse, as politicians begin to understand their power, and as a new generation of game - savvy leaders come to power.
Metcalf added that games like Orwell will play a greater role in high level political persuasion.
Zuckerberg announced in a 6,000 - word blog post in February that Facebook needed to play a greater role in controlling its dark side.
We are taking small steps to try to enable fathers to play a greater role in day - to - day care.
With technology playing a greater and greater role in resolving cases, it became obvious to Arizona judicial educators that many judges lack the educational background needed for a sufficient understanding of the scientific principles behind the forensic evidence they see in court.
Simmons & Dinnage affirm that as the role of general counsel continues to evolve, they will find a greater role in governance through acting as «innkeepers» who promote healthy governance through compliance and ethics, but as an employee embedded with a single client,
It would play an even greater role in this case if there had been evidence that what happened on this file were typical of Pilot's conduct towards policyholders.
Although none of these actually exist, we do assume that technology and automation will play a greater role in the legal services of the future.
Factors that are beyond our control — such as an opponent's unique motivations, the performance of witnesses at trial, and a particular set of jurors — have a greater role in how a particular case will ultimately play out.
, alongside partner Tom Shropshire, supporting the initiative for general counsel to play a greater role in advancing
Danelle is heavily involved in the work of the, alongside partner Tom Shropshire, supporting the initiative for general counsel to play a greater role in advancing corporate sustainability.
The translation of law has played an integral part in the interaction among nations in history and is playing a greater role in our increasingly interconnected world today.
Reflecting expectations that predictive coding will play a greater role in e-discovery, respondents broadened the list of skills helpful for future e-discovery practitioners.
At a time when the theft of customer information often leads to executive - level shake - ups, boards are taking a greater role in evaluating the adequacy of their organisations» cybersecurity.
But computers may play a greater role in law practice, as well.
Alistair Kelman foresees that specialist IT knowledge will play a greater role in convictions
The report concluded that solar could play a greater role in energy production than could nuclear power, and that an aggressive effort could heat 13 million homes and offices by 1975.
, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 This one finds found that North Atlantic oceanic currents play a greater role in the absorption of carbon than previously thought by the IPCC report 2.
The international community, in particular multilateral development banks like ADB, can play a greater role in ensuring that their support to developing countries not only includes general capacity development, but also focuses on identifying and addressing legal barriers to climate finance.
In fact, the report's improved methodology indicates that public transportation has an even greater role in reducing congestion than previously thought.
What these observation ssuggest ot me is the sun's radiation has a greater role in the disappearance of glaciers and polar ice caps that does CO2.
With renewables and energy efficiency, consumers can now play a greater role in how we use and produce energy in this country.
In recent years, the World Bank Group (WBG) has become increasingly involved in international climate discussions, indicating that it wants to have a greater role in climate finance in developing countries.
She believes the sun's fluctuating output plays a greater role in influencing temperature than does the greenhouse gas effect.
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