Sentences with phrase «greater soil fertility»

It promotes greater soil fertility by rotating crops and using natural materials, such as compost, manure and cover crops.

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The food industry needs to take greater steps towards sustainable development — one of the key messages from the Sustainable Foods Summit 2015, hosted in Amsterdam on June 4 - 5, 2015, also citing soil fertility, carbon management, regulatory framework, and sustainable food production as major areas of concern.
The reduction of nitrogen is predicted to result in a decline in soil fertility and agricultural productivity downstream of the projects, leading to a greater reliance on chemical fertilizers.
Despite the great improvements we have in crop genetics and fertility, we're still having to manage weeds,» Dille said, noting that weeds compete with crops for everything from sunlight to moisture to nutrients in the soil.
«These organisms fulfill various functions, like allowing the soil to absorb processed organic matter such as leaves, wood, trunks and branches and with this nourishing crops; they also maintain an ecological balance capable of preventing the invasion of pests and provide greater fertility without using chemicals.
Food security and soil fertility could be significantly improved by greater grain legume usage and increased improvement of a range of grain legumes.
The rapidly accumulating evidence of soil depletion over wide agricultural areas, the reduction in crop yields on improperly fertilized or unfertilized areas and on others, the reduction of fertility levels to the point where fertilizer applications represent the minimum subsistence diet, combined with an aroused public consciousness of the importance of soil fertility conservation and restoration, will inevitably lead to a demand that the chemical industry provide here the same high order of service which it offers elsewhere in meeting man's aspirations for more abundance and greater efficiency.
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