Sentences with phrase «greater standards adoption»

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Although some believe that developing common standards for blockchain technology could hamper its growth and stifle its spirit, it is the creation of such standards that will spur greater ingenuity, innovation, and eventually mass adoption.
Each of eight standards has three levels of adoption in the TOP guidelines; each moves scientific communication toward greater openness, according to the article in Science.
Widespread adoption of a standard, along with greater clarity around data usage, is a great first step to alleviating anxieties.
If things rapidly get better after the adoption of national standards, great.
Through this work, ConnCAN has emerged as a leading voice for education reform, built a base of thousands of supporters across the state and secured dozens of policy wins including: the adoption of rigorous education standards, more flexibility to recruit great new teachers and a 50 - percent increase in the number of students enrolled in public charter schools.
While great progress has been made in formalizing technical standards, we rely on faith that questions of instructional integrity jeopardized by the adoption of learning standards will be resolved.
While the idea is great on paper, commercial adoption hasn't yet struck a meaningful groove with the mainstream This is despite multi-generations of support for the Qi and Power Matters Alliance (PMA) standards from Samsung and LG, and the occasional dabble from other Android OEMs.
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