Sentences with phrase «greater than for»

Interestingly, it was found that for husbands, the actor effect of motives for sacrifice were grater than for wives, but parter effects were greater than for wives.
For the PT and the PT+CT group, mother and father ratings on both measures of improvement in child behavior problems were significantly greater than for control children.
There is evidence to support the benefit of immediate - release stimulant medication for up to 1 year; however, effects do not seem to be as large, and some of the side effects may be greater than for school - age children.
Research has demonstrated that individuals with intellectual disability are vulnerable to depression and their risk may be greater than for people in the general population.
However, the adjusted ORs for depression and anger [2.5 (2.1 to 3.0); 2.1 (1.9 to 2.4)-RSB- were substantially greater than for traditional risk factors in general.
This means that in this area, the health differential between the most and the least disadvantaged Indigenous Australians is much greater than for other Australians.
The potential risk of hiring an executive who misrepresents himself or herself is much greater than for rank - and - file employees because executives have the most access to sensitive company information and the greatest ability to commit fraud, said John Challenger, CEO of Chicago - based outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Because riders are largely unprotected, the rates of injury, even at low speeds, are greater than for auto drivers.
(I'd do a 5 year term but oddly enough the premiums are greater than for a 10 year term, holding the payout constant.)
For example, if an employer contributes 40 percent of the cost of premiums for employees and any dependents, an employee with dependents would receive a higher contribution amount, but only because the premium for family coverage is greater than that for individual coverage.
Even the article itself still confirms that the standard for probable cause for an actual search is still greater than for mere traffic stop alone.
Because motorcycles have few features that shield riders from getting struck, the types of medical costs motorcyclists will be facing have the potential to be much greater than for other types of accident victims.
Bearing this in mind, together with the fact that the discount for co-operation with a DPA will never be greater than for a company who did not self - report but got caught (although in the former there is no conviction) may mean that what the MoJ claims will be the motivator for self - reporting, a prosecutor's ability to offer a specific DPA, is more mythical than real.
The fatality rate for motorcyclists is roughly 27 times greater than for passenger car occupants.
Public support for women without headscarves is greater than for those who wear them: by making a woman remove her headscarf an employer violates her rights, but empowers her socially.
The density of network recording stations required is many factors greater than for temperature.
Which in fact Monckton's argument — if you read his response to John Abraham, specifically regarding the graph comparing global temperatures in the last decade against IPCC projections, he admits that the «IPCC» trend shown in his graph is greater than that for the IPCC's A2 scenario which it apparently represents, but explains that away by saying that essentially the IPCC got its sums wrong.
These changes are much greater than those for JJA (figure 2a, b).
Our uncertainty about the damage function is greater than for climate sensitivity.
According to both models and observation the global trends for Tmin are greater than for Tmax.
For all other fuel uses, ranging from diesel fuel for trucks and jet fuel for planes to home heating and industrial fuels — the overall price - responsiveness is probably greater than for gasoline but less than for electricity.
So the median of the error bars for 2014 is less than 0.1 degree K greater than for 1998?
The discrepancy of model to near - surface observation trends in the tropic is much greater than for the global average.
This means that oil sands oil has overall (well to wheels) emissions some 17 % greater than for typical crude oil and most of these extra emissions are due to energy needed to extract bitumen from the ground.
We have a further update planned for February which will address the question of why our trends are greater than those for GISTEMP over recent years.
The reason for the reported global warming in 1975 - 2014 being greater than the for the period 1910 - 1944 is due to the land warming.
The maximum summer temperatures for Abilene are no greater than for previous years, and the most recent winter temperatures are actually colder than several earlier periods during the previous 120 years ``
In scientific literature a few comparisons between the SRES projections and reality exist, like a 2007 PNAS study, which stated «The emissions growth rate since 2000 was greater than for the most fossil - fuel intensive of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change emissions scenarios developed in the late 1990s.»
As the recent global warming rate is identical to the pervious one, if human emission of CO2 had any effect on global temperature, the global warming rate for the period from 1970 to 2000, after 60 years of human emission of CO2, would have been greater than that for the period from 1910 to 1940.
As indicated, the certainty of the total anthropogenic contribution is much greater than that for the decomposed elements.
So your statement «operating costs for coal are already more than a factor of five greater than for solar» is blatantly WRONG!.
However, these other graphs confirm precisely what the commission has shown — that the number of hot days in western Sydney has risen during the past four decades and has risen at rate greater than that for the eastern suburbs.
Additionally, the distortions of the lapse rate in ascent are greater than for CO2 because water vapour is lighter than air and contains more energy in latent form which heats the air around it when condensation occurs during uplift.
I was under the impression that in a collision the tendency to transfer CO2 excitation energy to other kinetic energy is much greater than for kinetic energy to transfer to the excited levels of CO2, at least at low altitudes.
However, over land, where there is not very much moist convection, which is not dominated by the tropics and where one expects surface trends to be greater than for the oceans, there was no amplification at all!
With The Witcher 3 near the top of several most wanted lists in 2015, anticipation for this final chapter is greater than for its predecessors.
The funding was secured primarily by an unannounced Chinese firm with assist from Ultron Event Horizon and, in line with Gao, this funding is greater than for final yr's anime hit Your Name.
Given the need for more staff and a larger budget, concern for profitability is greater than that for artistic merit.
They are, however, more technologically inclined and connected to the Internet — so the opportunity to attract their attention is greater than that for other age groups.
Commissions are much greater than for airfare, so it's not unusual to see further promotional discounts.
The cost of medical care for an older dog is not necessarily greater than that for a young dog... and all the young dog expenses have already been paid!
During the latter third of gestation, the amount of food and level of nutrient intake normally increases an average of 25 %, although energy intakes for cats during pregnancy have been estimated to be as much as 40 % greater than for maintenance.
The risk for castrated males was slightly greater than that for intact males, which had 2.4 times the relative risk of intact females.
The animal may feel slight discomfort when the needle tip passes through the skin, but this is no greater than for any other injection.
Considering that consumer liability for debit transactions can be much greater than for credit card transactions — and that Chase says all its cards will come with zero fraud liability protection against unauthorized use — this is also a bit of good news for Chase customers.
Joint life annuities produce the lowest payments because the combined lifespan of both spouses is greater than for a single spouse.
Yes, it's a relatively expensive indulgence, but the rewards an enthusiastic driver will earn from their investment are greater than for many more expensive supercars.
It wasn't all trucks either, as the jump in passenger - car sales was actually greater than that for trucks.
If the height of the new piston above the rod connection centerline is greater than for the old piston, that will increase the compression ratio quickly.
The gains for Hispanic students (five points) and black students (three points) were greater than those for white students (one point), narrowing the score gap among the groups from 2009.
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