Sentences with phrase «greater than their similarities»

Not exact matches

The greater similarity of our situation to Jesus than to Gautama does not exclude the possibility that we should turn away from Jesus and to the Buddha.
And so from the pages of the New Testament there emerges this pattern of similarity within the transcendent dissimilarity of God, who is semper maior, always greater than what we know of Him.
I think that rather than being threatened by seeing the similarity between the way of Jesus and the way of these other great wisdom teachers, we should see the similarity as something to be celebrated and proclaimed.
Since then, Asara and his team have gotten more than a hundred total collagen sequences, showing an even greater similarity to today's elephant.
To investigate how signal traits vary in relation to the overall social environment, the authors of this study tested whether neighboring birds sharing a territory boundary, rather than birds just flying in the area, is related to similarity in dawn song traits between territorial wild great tits.
Early twins studies were based on fewer than 50 twin pairs and could not detect any greater similarities in the microbiomes of identical twins compared with those of fraternal twins.
In addition, this is not the only case in which the regulatory circuits that control early embryonic development in humans show greater similarity to those employed in bovine embryos than to those that operate in the mouse system.
Using measures of anxious personality in parents and anxiety symptoms in their offspring, adult parents from identical twin pairs were found to show greater similarity in anxiety levels to their own adolescent children than their nieces and nephews.
He did more than simply point out the great number of similarities between this theropod and the early bird Archaeopteryx.
Greater cortical thinning similarity was observed between nodes (regions) within the same functional system than with nodes of other systems, controlling for effects of age and baseline cortical thickness.
Married partners who are highly intimate presume greater similarity between them than an objective personality score might justify.
These types of movies are tricky, but last year we saw how great they can be when done right, and there are more than a few similarities here... including a nice cast and an up and coming filmmaker at the helm.
Listening to their post debrief, it was obvious that they thought the similarities in experiences where much greater than what I observed.
He wanted a career that would serve others and was fortunate to have a series of wonderful music teachers who taught him how music has the potential to connect people and to remind them that similarities are greater than differences.
But just like soda junkies who like to escalate their culinary creativity by blending both brands in the same cup, credit card rewards rebels know that the Chase Freedom ® and Discover it ® cards are more alike than different, and it's those similarities that make the two cards a great duo for maximizing your cash back rewards.
Originally released in 1987 on the Commodore 64, The Great Giana Sisters was a 2D side - scrolling platformer more memorable for its controversial production history and similarities to Super Mario Bros. than its actual gameplay.
We also show that the differences between the cases are much less significant than the similarities, and that a great deal of the detail can therefore be set aside in favor of an «equity band» that is bound by «High Equity Settings» on one side and «Low Equity Settings» on the other.
I was very puzzled by the much greater similarity of the CNWT «regional» chronology to the Coppermine River data than to the similarly sized Thelon River data.
They are considered suitable for determining differences and similarities in the soil characteristics of land areas greater than approximately 1 ha and can be used for planning on the level of farms and forests.
There is much greater similarity between the general evolution of the warming in observations and that simulated by models when anthropogenic and natural forcings are included than when only natural forcing is included (Figure 9.6, third row).
However, confidence in the regional distribution of sea level change from AOGCMs is low because there is little similarity between models, although nearly all models project greater than average rise in the Arctic Ocean and less than average rise in the Southern Ocean.
However, given the similarity between most of the forcing time series — which apart from volcanoes and solar variation all increase smoothly over time — the estimation uncertainty will be greater than appears from the coefficient standard deviation values.
The similarities of parent self - help support groups offered throughout the country are greater than their differences.
Only a few studies have examined complementarity in existing romantic relationships: In one study, in which undergraduate students rated their own parents» personalities, complementarity appeared quite often, but greater complementarity was actually seen in divorced than still - married couples.5 Another study of romantic couples found very little complementarity, except within highly satisfied couples.6 Yet another study found good evidence for the phenomenon, with couples being similar on affiliation and opposite on dominance.7 Finally, a study of same - sex female couples found no similarity on affiliation and found that those who had opposite personalities when it came to dominance were actually less satisfied with their relationships.8 As can be plainly seen, these results are quite inconsistent.
Although there have been decades of research on similarity, and recent meta - analysis evidence of the greater importance of perceived than actual similarity in ongoing relationships (Montoya, Horton, & Kirchner, 2008, 2008), we know little about couples» perceptions of various types of similarity in their relationship, and the factors associated with the degree of perceived similarity.
Furthermore, couples perceived greater similarity on each of the dimensions in regard to the current stage of their relationship than for the stage when they first entered the relationship (viewed retrospectively), in support of Hypothesis 2.
Although this study found that the participants perceived greater similarity for the current stage of the relationship than for the beginning stage, the data in regard to the beginning stage were collected retrospectively.
The couples perceived greater similarity for leisure interests / activities, attitudes and beliefs, and personality than for the other types of similarity (e.g., background characteristics), at both times of the relationship.
Postural openness / relaxation paralleled touch in conveying greater intimacy, composure, informality, and similarity but was also less dominant than a closed / tense posture.
More recent work on homophily has shown that experiential similarity plays an even greater role in these processes than does structural similarity (Suitor, Pillemer, & Keeton, 1995; Thoits, 1986; 2011), primarily because this dimension of similarity increases empathetic understanding and positive affect (Thoits, 1986; 2011).
We detected a greater number of differences than similarities.
It could be suggested that a greater similarity in attachment style can also facilitate bonding between siblings and therefore monozygotic twins are probably more attached to each other than other sibling types are.
The couples perceived greater similarity for the current stage of their relationship than for the beginning stage of their relationship.
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