Sentences with phrase «greatest effect on blood sugar»

The theory behind the Glycemic Index is simply to minimize insulin - related problems by identifying and avoiding foods that have the greatest effect on your blood sugar.
Glycemic index is meant as a way to minimize blood sugar related health issues by identifying and limiting (or avoiding) those that will have the greatest effect on your blood sugar levels.
But the carbs in processed foods are even more rapidly digested and so have a greater effect on blood sugar.

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ZERO EFFECT on blood sugar or insulin levels, making it a great sweetener for blood sugar and weight management.
Here is a great article comparing the HCG and low - carb diets written by Franziska Spritzer who is a dietitian: You can use any sweeteners with no or little effect on blood sugar.
The nutrient content of raspberries makes them a great fruit choice for having a negligible effect on blood sugar level.
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