Sentences with phrase «greatly decrease the risk»

By learning more about dogs and why dog bite occurs, you can greatly decrease the risk of being bitten by a dog.
«By bringing case calendar information and date calculation tools to an attorney's fingertips, CompuLaw MyView greatly decreases the risks associated with manual date calculation, saves time, and establishes a calendaring workflow,» stated Chris Giglio, chief executive officer for Aderant.

Not exact matches

If athletes stay too long in their anaerobic system, power output will greatly decrease and so will performance and health «'' also making them at greater risk of injury.
If your child has reached his or her first birthday, the risk of SIDS decreases greatly, which means a couple of things.
Some of the many benefits a Postpartum Doula provides for you and your baby include: Better infant care skills Positive newborn characteristics Breastfeeding skills improve A healthy set of coping skills and strategies Relief from postpartum depression More restful sleep duration and quality Education and support services for a smooth transition home A more content baby Improved infant growth translates into increased confidence A content baby with an easier temperament Education for you to gain greater self - confidence Referrals to competent, appropriate professionals and support groups when necessary The benefits of skin to skin contact Breastfeeding success Lessen the severity and duration of postpartum depression Improved birth outcomes Decrease risk of abuse Families with disabilities can also benefit greatly by learning special skills specific to their situation Families experiencing loss often find relief through our Doula services Improved bonding between parent and child.
Although it did not eradicate CML cells, it did greatly limit the growth of the tumor clone and decreased the risk of the feared «blast crisis».
With vertical climbers, the risk of similar injuries is greatly decreased, due to the very nature of the movement required to work the machine.
If you focus on what you can control these portfolio risk control strategies can greatly decrease the volatility of your portfolio.
If the ethylene glycol can exit the body without being metabolized, the risk of acute kidney injury is greatly decreased
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