Sentences with phrase «greedy people who»

yeah I hate greedy people who just want for the PS4, I have PS4 and PS3 and play my PS3 probably more than the PS4 and you get more AAA titles on PS3 as they are older.
They've taken down the King of Koopas, aliens who do as they please, and even greedy people who look way too similar to them.
► People are forced out of their valley and sent to «the badlands» by greedy people who want to mine the land.
I don't see doctors as greedy people who only care about making money and doing whatever they want.
Ain't no way am I gona give my hard earned money to greedy people who don't have the best interest of this club at heart.
The spiraling costs are mostly due to the horrific malpractice insurance fees that doctors and hospitals have to pay because of greedy people who want compensation for every little thing that goes wrong.
My mother watches these shows and she feels that God blesses her for giving money to these greedy people who WILL NEVER sit by her bedside while she is sick or after having a major operation — or even to speak with her or pray with her when she wants to pray with someone.
Instead of listening to these overpaid middle - aged greedy people who are telling us to vote against our own interests and demographics.
I may not have caused my disease, but the people who many years ago buried toxic waste on empty land, land on which my house was later built, greedy people who did not want to pay for proper disposal of the waste, were responsible for my disease.
I may not have caused the hurricane, but is it possible it was caused or at the least worsened by ignorant, greedy people who have so polluted our world that the very weather has changed?
Southern slave - owners were just racist and greedy people who purposefully abused Scripture to their own ends!
Ben, I agree with all you said, especially about turning our country over to some of the «greediest people who have ever walked God's Earth,» instead of a good man, a great man, who has done his best for us for four years against ridiculous odds.

Not exact matches

It was the reckless and greedy behavior of the banksters in this country who made a killing by playing with other people's money, and basically got away with one of the biggest thefts and frauds of our generation when.
Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.»
Those who indulge in s e x ual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prost i tutes, or practice h om os e xuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people — none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.»
Not forgetting 2 of his own family have accused him of verbal & physical abuse again & again / 2 Cor.13: 1 & 1Tim.5: 19 / but Dollar's Prosperity message preys on those prideful, greedy, self centered, sinful people who want to be rich.Do some soul searching and repent if this applies to you; you've been sadduced into thinking God wants you to be rich by a con (CreativeFlowDollarMinistry) The only prosperity he's interested in is his OWN!!!
Those others you mentioned as god-less are no worse off then greedy capitalists who pretend to care about morality but shut their eyes to all injustice done to people which God hates, and has plenty to say about!
Used by very greedy self assuming people who think they above all others because «their» god or what ever supreme being they imagine in their heads has told them to.
It is sin that makes us into sad liars, cheats, murderers, drug and sex addicts, thieves, greedy, jealous and selfish people who are really soul-less and boring, miserable, grey and cold in heart.
I have written you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people — not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters.
The Truth is we would not be so quick to react to the greedy, swindling, idolatrous, sexually immoral, slandering, drunkard people who claim to be our brothers and sisters in Christ (or to ourselves).
Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, 10 nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom.
I applaud those people who are greedy for life, who seek its meaning openly and honestly, who are willing to taste its sweetness, who luxuriate in its beauty, experience its depths, and scale its heights.
Good lord, just who do you think controls the «tax money» after they steal it from you; if people are inherently greedy?
The good thing about corporations being «greedy» and «only caring about profits» or whatever else we say is that it gives the people who give them money through our consumption tremendous power.
They totally depend on finding people who can look at very obvious examples of his greedy behavior and deny that it is greedy behavior.
Its interesting how people who scream the loudest about helping the poor are usually the greediest people.
You see, that's what God is saying to those who have the power to step in and make laws to PROTECT the people from greedy vultures, yet they don't» do it, because they are in bed with them!!
Deluded manager plus greedy board has created a crisis at arsenal with third rate players being paid first rate wages to keep them loyal and drugged up fans like yourself overdosing on 4th place high... True fans want change when they see the club going in wrong direction not a string of drug crazed platitudes from tribal loyalists who are so deluded themselves that they actually believe the blame for the crisis lies with the people who have been pointing to its causes... Do you think financial crises only happen because people start warning about overlevaraged banks, the speculative and fraudulent behaviour of their overpaid employees and the indulgence of their massively overpaid senior management... Pathetic comment
(and spell kroenke with the lower case k, as we don't think of him as a person, but rather a greedy lizardmen from outer space, who came to our planet to rid us of natural resources and join forces with crab people to bring humanity to it's knees).
There are a lot of greedy, uncaring people out there and it hurts those of us who really want to help people and make a difference.
«You have some people who are greedy and selfish,» Semple said, without naming names.
He is what is know as a Rich and Powerful person who loves to donate money and buy access just like Steven Rattner, Elliot Broidy, and the rest of the «GREEDY»
WE (the people of the USA) have allowed shady, greedy, political criminals to sit in positions of power who only care about self - interests.
Asked about a large number of APC members who are likely to follow Atiku to PDP, El - Rufai said: «Sure, we know that, we can not rule out the possibility of some greedy people following him; those that are following material things.
So businesses could dupe their employees into taking 401ks by playing into peoples inherent greed by telling them what they COULD make in one under optimal conditions, all the while allowing the greedy employer to raid the fat pension trust funds, bankrupting them and then handing the bankrupt plans over to the PBGC and robbing the employees who expected that money to be there.
This is an unethical practice by greedy business owners who can care less about people with STDs...
Even the film can't explain why this German Nazi factory owner, a greedy, corrupted man who never had enough drinking, gambling and womanizing, how could such a flawed man risk everything he had to save some of the people everyone around him deemed inferior.
Both characters are greedy, but I'll take Mr. Krabs, who's genuinely loyal to his «son - like» fry cook over this wacko father any day (who by the way, wasn't a real person, but made - up for the movie).
December 30, 2010 • Go to France, Britain, Ireland or Portugal — you'll find the same sentiment on the streets of all these debt - ridden European nations: Europe's financial crisis was caused by rich and greedy bankers and politicians, yet it's the poor who're picking up the tab — people like Mariana Silva.
They both are selfish, greedy, sexist assholes who treat everyone around them not like people but as pawns or obstacles.
Uncle too greedy to put features into his Toyotas, he is clearly laughing all the way to the bank with money from people who aren't aware of safety!
To be honest, I'm sick and tired of getting an email or message every month about an author who lost thousands (and I mean, thousands) of dollars to these deceptive, greedy people.
But unless they are poor George RR Martin they don't normally get a whole pile of people telling them that they are greedy, selfish bastards who ought to be getting on with the important job of providing customers with what they want for as low a price as possible (preferably free).
According to legends, these are the ghosts of people who were selfish or greedy during their lifetimes and are consequently doomed to a sort of half - life, kept alive by the flesh of human corpses.
Greedy companies think people who read books might as well consume their products instead — consumption for them is the same whether it's books or movies.
People who have worked with the lawyer described him to TheDCNF as ruthless, greedy and unbothered by ethical questions.»
Those who have read me for years know that people get greedy and panic.
It is unfortunate that the demand for service dogs is so high and greedy people have found a way to take advantage of families who are trying to help their children.
Apparently, there are just too many people in this world who are either gullible enough or greedy enough to become willing accomplices to nefarious schemes to defraud governments, the Central Intelligence Agency or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or a series of banks.
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