Sentences with phrase «green glob»

Players control a green glob of slime and have less than a handful of moves to help guide him / her / it through the levels, a standard jump, a dash move and a phase move.
It's as amorphous as the sentient green glob who's slithering through the ship's corridors and speaking in the voice of Norm Macdonald.
Drain and rinse with cold water, then gently squeeze as much liquid as possible out of the little green glob.
We tried to get her to spit them out but she refused and just wandered around our apartment with this huge green glob in her mouth, green juice running down her chin.
Two thick brown, purple, and green globs of oil paint are dolloped onto the top half of a small white canvas — the word «erotic» is outlined in red below.
I started in with my sander and the latex black kept getting gooey and creating lovely pea green globs as I sanded into the under coat of bright yellow paint, circa 1974.

Not exact matches

I served it the first night on crostini with chevre, then tossed a glob into risotto made with cauliflower greens, divine!!!
While you're enjoying bitter, crunchy radishes with a healthy glob of butter, chop off those greens and let them sing as a side salad.
GREEN GLOB - LINS Spurred by a dose of misfolded proteins, a 20 - week - old mouse developed clumps of deformed proteins (green) in a cluster of cells called an islet (red) in its pancreas.
The environment is a standard upscale hotel with globs of green goo strewn about and of course the odd horde of ghosts to capture.
Your goal is to protect the Globs, or green colored cubes, while allowing the Gloops, or red colored cubes, to fall.
Enemies are typical fantasy fare: ghouls, ghosts and goblins attacking your face with swords or from afar with arrows, bombs and spectral globs of green.
Occasionally, you'll see globs of green or yellow energy show up on the radar.
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