Sentences with phrase «green house effect»

I have never accepted the «so - called green house effect».
In the «Meat the Truth» video clips, they said that livestock contributes 18 % of green house effect compared to 13 % of transport.
Is the athmospheric green house effect responsible for losing less energy to space (via radiation) as would otherwise be the case?
For good or ill we are stuck with the name Green House Effect but it doesn't mean that it works along the same principles of a real greenhouse.
Our children, and we did also in our childhood, hear constantly in school how the world will end soon starting with the nuclear arsenal, to currently the Green House Effect, etc..
Call it the Green House effect... people everywhere, especially parents, are turning to more eco-friendly products for their homes.
Namely, that ozone depletion and global warming (the green house effect) are the same or almost the same thing.
The Green House Effect on Earth: Causes and effects 12.
Green House Effect 11.
So, the answer, quite like Professor Lindzen up MIT has long argued, is that mainly, Earth's atmosphere either has an increased or decreased Water Content, governed by the Clausius — Clapeyron equation (hike the surface temperature by 1 %, and you intensify the «airborne water - vapor» by ~ 7 %; viz.: The «Green House Effect
I'll now have to change my own description of the green house effect on my blog.
Oh, and as far as this green house effect idea, last time I checked, greenouses were made of HARD, SOLID glass....
«Windows let in too much light causing a «green house effect» inside, even when mitigated with vegetation for shade... glazing insulation values are still far below standard walls... I see no solar overhang.»
I have always postulated that CO2 is no green house gas and that the green house effect doesn't exist, except as a deliberate SCAM.
Sebastian «Non of those papers postulate that CO2 is no green house gas or that the green house effect doesn't exist.»
This is maybe an old point, but I remember reading that Natural Gas (CH4) emits Carbon on burning and in addition to the leaked Natural Gas (e.g. during production), — which is much more powerful for the Green House effect — means that when you add the two, the Green House effect of CH4 is similar to coal i.e removing one reason to ditch coal.
Thus at the same time as overall concentrations of ozone decreases (causing more UV radiation to reach the surface), there is more ozone in the troposphere causing less UV radiation to get out (the basis of the green house effect).
«Posts establishing relations between radiative transfer or green house effect and my post.
As I understand the mechanism CO2 in the upper atmosphere causes the «green house effect».
Never — in all the mathematics I studied and used — did any mathematical formula ever calculate temperature of some gas or atmospheric mix then have to refer to a» green house effect» because the laws of
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