Sentences with phrase «greenhouse gas methane»

By contrast, the powerful greenhouse gas methane is barely mentioned — perhaps because its main sources, while human - related, are «natural»: rice agriculture and cattle - raising.
«Mysterious source of greenhouse gas methane in ocean explained.»
The United States has released an ambitious, climate - and conservation - focused agenda for its 2 - year chairmanship that includes pushing for more research on black carbon, which accelerates melting in the region, and on emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane from the seabed and permafrost, as well as creating a network of marine protected areas in the Arctic and equipping Arctic villages with renewable energy sources.
Methane mischief: misleading commentary published in Nature A catastrophic release of the potent greenhouse gas methane in the Arctic could cause a sudden warming with massive economic consequences says a commentary published in the esteemed scientific journal Nature Wednesday.
Spectacular sinkhole, appeared as out of nowhere in the permafrost of the area, sparking the speculations of significant release of greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere.
Although it does take into account greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide, the IPCC model assumes that wastewater largely contains and releases carbon from non-petroleum sources — for example, human waste.
As debate roils over EPA regulations proposed this month limiting the release of the potent greenhouse gas methane during fracking operations, a new University of Vermont study funded by the National Science Foundation shows that abandoned oil and gas wells near fracking sites can be conduits for methane escape not currently being measured.
Animals like the mammoths, which adapted to live in steppe habitats, prevent tree growth and turn and stomp topsoil, exposing the earth underneath to the cold winds of the region, thereby lowering the ground temperature and preserving the underlying permafrost (and the potent greenhouse gas methane locked within it).
The Aliso Canyon natural gas well blowout, first reported on Oct. 23, 2015, released over 100,000 tons of the powerful greenhouse gas methane before the well was sealed on Feb. 11, according to the first study of the accident published today in the journal Science.
Carbon will be release in the forms of carbon dioxide gas and the more dangerous greenhouse gas methane, two gases that our atmosphere doesn't need any more of.
Natural gas emits less carbon when burnt than coal, which it has helped to displace in the electricity mix, but gas production results in leaks of the super greenhouse gas methane, negating some of those carbon gains.
What is less known, is that there is a lot of greenhouse gas methane released from the seabed offshore the West Yamal Peninsula.
Strong ocean currents promote the release of the potent greenhouse gas methane in the Arctic, according to new research, shedding light on how they may contribute to climate change.
Some scientists have suggested that global warming could melt frozen ground in the Arctic, releasing vast amounts of the potent greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere, greatly amplifying global warming.
A catastrophic release of the potent greenhouse gas methane in the Arctic could cause a sudden warming with massive economic consequences says a commentary published in the esteemed scientific journal Nature Wednesday.
The first quantitative estimates of the Aliso Canyon well blowout reveal that it released more than 100,000 tons of the powerful greenhouse gas methane.
DENVER — A puzzling concentration of the greenhouse gas methane over the Southwestern United States appears to come mostly from leaks in natural gas production, scientists said Monday.
A US environmental group has been awarded tens of millions of dollars to develop a new satellite to help track — and ultimately, reduce — emissions of the greenhouse gas methane from oil and gas facilities around the world.
Meanwhile, researchers were showing that besides soil and water contamination, hog CAFOs emit high volumes of the potent greenhouse gas methane (pound for pound, hog manure produces twice the methane of cattle manure) and ammonia, which has been linked to respiratory ailments.
In the presence of seawater these rocks produce the greenhouse gas methane, hydrogen and heat, among other things.
And Newlight Technologies, based near Los Angeles, California, is using the greenhouse gas methane to manufacture plastic products such as mobile - phone cases and chairs.
Moreover, the soils of the mammoth steppe were drier and emitted less of the greenhouse gas methane.
Food waste in particular generates a significant amount of the greenhouse gas methane when it's buried in landfills, but not so when composted.
Together the dumps emit more of the greenhouse gas methane than any other human - related source.
Billions of tonnes of the greenhouse gas methane are trapped just below the surface of the East Siberian Arctic shelf.
The depicted cell consortia are composed of archaea and bacteria that, by combining their individual metabolic powers, together achieve oxidation of the greenhouse gas methane in the absence of oxygen.
«By teaming up, we were able to isolate individual cell clusters involved in the degradation of the greenhouse gas methane from our samples, identify the cellular partners involved in this process, and gain insights into their genetic code.»
The surface waters of the world's oceans are supersaturated with the greenhouse gas methane, yet most species of microbes that can generate the gas can't survive in oxygen - rich surface waters.
Princeton University researchers have uncovered a previously unknown, and possibly substantial, source of the greenhouse gas methane to Earth's atmosphere.
As the permafrost disappears, carbon - rich material like grass roots, once trapped in icy soil, sinks to lake bottoms, where bacteria convert it into the greenhouse gas methane.
The greenhouse gas methane is getting the attention it deserves (20 February, p 38).
Back then, AWI geochemist Dr Ellen Damm tested the waters of the High North for the greenhouse gas methane.
Then in 2003, William Ruddiman, a palaeoclimatologist at the University of Virginia, suggested the advent of agriculture 8000 years ago ramped up levels of the greenhouse gas methane in the atmosphere, warming the world by about 0.8 °C.
They also measured the «ecosystem services» that each field provided, including the rate of flower pollination, consumption of the greenhouse gas methane by soil microbes and suppression of insect pests.
However, the cooling achieved by ocean whitening is modest and appears unable to do very much to maintain permafrost and prevent the release of the greenhouse gas methane.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the greenhouse gas methane is highly efficient at trapping heat in the atmosphere and a significant contributor to global warming, over 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
They argue that fracking may pollute local water supplies and leak the powerful greenhouse gas methane
I'd summarize Lou's main point as being that it's meaningless to sound off about how much more «potent» a greenhouse gas methane (natural gas) may be, compared to CO2, unless you also take into account how small methane emissions are relative to CO2.
Under Trump, the gap between what was promised and what will be achieved has widened as the federal government seeks to revoke the US Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan, to roll back limits on the emission of the potent greenhouse gas methane and to reverse energy - efficiency policies.
They contain large amounts of greenhouse gas methane.
California's Air Resources Board showed strong leadership this week in taking regulatory action to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas methane from the state's oil and gas industry.
A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) may have cracked the elusive paradox involving the potent greenhouse gas methane that baffled many marine chemists for so long.
Ocean critters produce the highly potent greenhouses gases methane and nitrous oxide.
The lakes may also be storing large volumes of the potent greenhouse gas methane, frozen in a form called methane hydrates.
Fracking emits large amounts of the potent greenhouse gas methane and other air pollutants.
Far more of the greenhouse gas methane is seeping from seabed deposits in the Arctic shelf into the atmosphere than previously thought.

Phrases with «greenhouse gas methane»

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