Sentences with phrase «grey matter volume»

Even in healthy volunteers, lower grey matter volumes were associated with a shift towards more habitual choices.
This fits in well with our finding of decreased grey matter volume.
Importantly, we found the most common finding was that there was no difference in grey matter volume in individuals who had violent outcomes compared to control populations, even in the prefrontal cortex and temporal lobes, which have been highlighted in the current study by Darby and colleagues.
Chronic stress during pregnancy has been linked to an increase in the risk of premature delivery and low birth weight, and of the baby having reduced grey matter volume in areas of the brain involved in learning, memory, attention, and emotional regulation.
There was no relationship between grey matter volume or cortical thickness and the Mediterranean diet.
Spatially oriented brains have an above - average grey matter volume in the right precuneus, a small area of the brain associated with processing visual - spatial information.
Occasional users in both studies, who increased stimulant use during the subsequent 24 months displayed smaller regional grey matter volumes compared to those who with stable or decreased use.
The strongest predictions are the frontal pole grey matter volume and the posterior thalamic radiations, both such that greater volume and greater Fractional Anisotropy (FA) were associated with better scores.
They have more grey matter volume and while older meditators still had some volume loss, it wasn't as pronounced as the older non-meditators.
Like learning a new language, learning how to play an instrument has a proven impact on brain development, showing that «learning to play a musical instrument not only increases grey matter volume in various brain regions, but can also strengthen the long - range connections between them» and that» musical training also enhances verbal memory, spatial reasoning, and literacy skills».
Socioeconomic status and the cerebellar grey matter volume.
Second, a multivariate data - driven approach tested associations between correlated psychosocial variables and whole brain, with subsequent extraction of univariate associations; for example, with grey matter volume [28].
General and specific effects of early - life psychosocial adversities on adolescent grey matter volume.
«Study reveals effects of chemoradiation in brains of glioblastoma patients: Reduced grey matter volume, enlargement of ventricular space appear to be early, progressive.»
In a study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry and primarily funded by the Wellcome Trust, researchers show that people who are affected by disorders of compulsivity have lower grey matter volumes (in other words, fewer nerve cells) in the brain regions involved in keeping track of goals and rewards.
He discovered differences in grey matter volume, which contains the cell bodies of nerve cells, in two specific locations.
The grey matter volume in the left middle temporal gyrus was smaller in schizophrenia patients harboring risk homozygous T / T alleles.
«We were surprised to see that these changes — reduced grey matter volume and ventricular enlargement — occurred after just a few weeks of treatment and continued to progress even after radiation therapy was completed,» says Dietrich.
The MRI scans showed that obese subjects with binge eating disorder have lower grey matter volumes — a measure of the number of neurons — in the orbitofrontal cortex and striatum of the brain compared to those who do not binge eat; these brain regions are involved in keeping track of goals and rewards.
An overview of average regional sex differences in grey matter volume.
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