Sentences with phrase «grid box area»

This series uses the average of anomalies from all available grid boxes, weighted according to grid box area.

Not exact matches

The neuronal firing in this cell is spaced at regular distances, with the active areas forming a triangular or hexagonal grid pattern within the box.
He said parents will now have to look harder at the dashboard's grid of colored boxes to understand what needs improvement in their schools, and in what areas the schools need assistance or resources.
One indicator could be variance in the vertical velocity over space estimated over grid - boxes, each with area:
A typical grid - box may have a horizontal area of ~ 100 × 100 km2, but the size has tended to reduce over the years as computers have increased in speed.
EOFs are a kind of PCA, but «tailored» to geophysical data (gridded with for instance area weighted grid box values).
Surface area of a MERRA - 2 grid box can be computed using the geometry of a sphere, with radius of 6371.0 E3 m.
Because Rayner et al. (2006) and Kennedy et al. (2011b) make no attempt to estimate temperatures in grid boxes which contain no observations, an additional uncertainty had to be computed when estimating area - averages.
Raw land temperatures were calculated by assigning each station to a 5 × 5 latitude / longitude grid box, converting station temperatures into anomalies relative to a 1971 - 2000 baseline period, averaging all the anomalies within each grid box for each month, and averaging all grid boxes for each month weighted by the land area within each grid box.
When calculating area averages from a gridded data set there is an additional uncertainty that arises because there are often large areas, and consequently, many grid boxes, which contain no observations.
HadSST3 is not interpolated, so when we calculate the global average we aren't doing anything fancy; we just take the area - weighted mean of the available grid boxes.
The mean U.S. temperature anomaly for each year was calculated as the area - weighted mean of all the grid box means.
Using the global map of rank of observation, R (l, m), the rank histogram, h (i) is the histogram of the ranks, weighted by the fractional area of each grid box (the average weight will be 1 / n grid, where n grid is number of grid point), over the whole grid.
In the GISTEMP index, the tables of zonal, global, hemispheric means are computed by combining the 100 subbox series for each box of the equal area grid, then combining those to get 8 zonal mean series, finally from those we get the Northern (23.6 - 90ºN), Southern and tropical means, always using the same method.
«The latest addition is a variable resolution UK model (UKV) which has a high resolution inner domain (1.5 km grid boxes) over the area of forecast interest, separated from a coarser grid (4 km) near the boundaries by a variable resolution transition zone.
And it's more problematic to you, I find... And I talked about an issue with a larger firm and it definitely is an issue, however, many times on those larger firms» applications, they check so many boxes on that grid, because they're doing a lot of... they're working in a lot of different practice areas.
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