Sentences with phrase «gripe about a boss»

And it's pretty common for the average person to gripe about a boss or co-worker from time to time.

Not exact matches

Workers use it to gripe about their colleagues, buddy up with the boss or ask questions they could probably have answered on their own.
However one small gripe with the combat is with the enemies, as they seem to be somewhat dumbed down for some reason and can easily be manipulated, although this can not be said about the boss battles you encounter which will give you some challenge and sometimes it might even take you out a few times before you finally manage to take it down, but this is why the Tales games combat is so appreciated because once you do something that takes some effort you feel so rewarded once you pull it off which is not always standard in today's JRPGs in my mind.
Cover letters are not a space for you to gripe about your old boss, your old career, or the woes you've faced in your job search.
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