Sentences with word «groans»

Martyrs are those who suffer but their groans, far from being a disavowal of what they were, express the noble reason for their deaths and change the apparent fatality into an absolute proof of loge.
The liberation in Exodus is linked to the cry of the oppressed, and in Romans the glorious liberty is promised in response to the groans and travails within us and in Creation.
Her clenched teeth, groans and occasional screams told me how...
Up to the present, we know, the whole created universe groans in all its parts as if in the pangs of childbirth.
We are — all of us — part of the crowd, and we try to silence the groans of others because they are a threat to our position.
It has to discern the presence of Spirit brooding over in this creation which groans for the joy of freedom.
It depends only and singularly on a new move from God, a response to groans.
The primal disclosure of the Bible is that this God in heaven makes a move toward earth to identify a faithful covenant partner, responding to the groans of oppressed people (Exod.
Imagine with what groans of regret the original disciples kept recalling their abject failure to keep their pledge to remain faithful to Jesus no matter what (Mark 14:27 - 31).
a divided creation groans and suffers, longing for union and fulfillment.
It is this move that makes possible what was not possible before the groans were received and embraced.
Perhaps creation groans because it realizes that its suffering does not glorify God where in the sinless Garden it did.
Amid the creation which groans for redemption, the church must stand as if before Easter: open to its inbreaking, but unassuming of its prerogative.
The celestial kingdom groans amid the citizens of the terrestrial kingdom; and sometimes the terrestrial kingdom... exacts service from the citizens of the Kingdom of heaven, and the Kingdom of Heaven exacts service from the citizens of the terrestrial kingdom.25
The groans of others which come across as lacking any empathy are almost ludicrous.
Cue incredulous laughter (or groans).
«The Evangelistic Witness is directed towards all of the ktisis (creation) which groans and travails in search of adoption and redemption... The transfiguring power of the Holy Trinity is meant to reach into every nook and cranny of our national life... The Evangelistic Witness will also speak to the structures of this world; economic, political, and societal institutions... We must re-learn the patristic lesson that the Church is the mouth and voice of the poor and the oppressed in the presence of the powers that be.
Some broke out into uncontrollable laughter, some shed tears and others were convulsed by shrieks and groans.
Living men and women talk, shriek, sing, call, command, cry; the shades of Sheol are in a world beyond groans.
And even after the climactic resolution in Christ, a new sense of delay is evident, classically expressed in Romans 8: the whole creation «groans» as it awaits fulfillment (v. 23).
I read their groans and complaints in the news and shake my head in disgust at their unwillingness to release themselves from this slavery.
The creation that used to rejoice with us and to remind us of the beauty and bounty of God now groans with us as rain and snow do not come to feed our crops and as the earth grumbles and the waters spit out death.
By a measure and at a pace that would have stunned St. Paul, the whole creation groans and travails.
We humans are the problem for bats and for the rest of creation as it awaits liberation for which the Spirit intercedes, works and groans with sighs too deep for words.
There is little sense of the Pauline assertion that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth awaiting redemption; rather it is man who groans and travails awaiting redemption from the world.»
That in my weakness the Holy Spirit intercedes groans that words can not express.
With your voice, when your spirit, with groans and tears, with your hands and your ears, with your mind and your feet.
We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words can not express» (Rom.
Paul says in Romans that we do not know how to pray as we ought to pray, so the Spirit intercedes on our behalf with groans that can not be uttered.
But it is not just creation alone which groans; we who have the Spirit as the first of God's gifts also groan within ourselves as we wait for God to make us his children and set our whole being free.
Yes, God is its Creator, but for this age it «groans in travail» awaiting a consummation wholly different.
All I know is that all of creation (Universe) groans because of the sin Adam brought upon us.
The words of General Sherman must be kept ever in mind: «It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation.
Were it not for the sovereign pleasure of God, the earth would not bear you one moment; for you are a burden to it; the creation groans with you; the creature is made subject to the bondage of your corruption, not willingly; the sun does not willingly shine upon you to give you light to serve sin and Satan; the earth does not willingly yield her increase to satisfy your lusts; nor is it willingly a stage for your wickedness to be acted upon; the air does not willingly serve you for breath to maintain the flame of life in your vitals, while you spend your life in the service of God's enemies.
Romans 8:22 says that ALL of creation groans.
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope (Romasn 8:20) I bet the universe groans very loudly «Nature, with its melancholy charm, resembles a bride who, at the very moment when she was fully attired for marriage, saw the bridegroom die.
The piece de resistance was a recorded dramatization of her rape, replete with heavy breathing, plaintive cries, groans and the like.
Groans and wailings rush to the heavens, but heaven remains mute and unresponsive.
When pain is excruciating, we move outside language, to a region of primal grunts and groans, sighs and shrieks.
Whoever talks in this questioning vein (and even if he say it amid groans, the utterance is the same), should be on his guard, for he scarcely knows by what spirit he is speaking.
She moves like a kitten when she's nursing, her little fingers opening and closing on my skin, her milky elbows slowly turning to showcase every dimple, small sighs and groans breathing.
The third basis is biblical, namely, Paul's statement that even material creation groans and travails until now to be redeemed (Rom.
Though we are wretched in our sin and creation groans under the burden, the residual beauty speaks just as it did at the dawn of time.
Our entire society groans while we wait for just and compassionate laws that will respond to the need: according to recent American Bar Association statistics, the U.S. is home to between 6 and 10 million children of gay, lesbian or bisexual parents.
The entire cosmos groans for its redemption, yet all creation declares the glory of God.
and when Christ Himself groans from the Cross (Mark 15:34) the opening lines of David's lament in Psalm 22, the foreshadowing of the Nathan passage is made crystal clear.
To those posting simple grunts and groans or using this article to voice their hate and ignorance, I feel sorry for you.
a very long chapter about Hinton Ampner, an Elizabethan house where a tall dark female figure roamed around to the accompaniment of bangings, crashes, groans and shrieks.
After one crass joke drew groans in the Washington Hilton ballroom, she laughed and said, «Yeah, shoulda done more research before you got me to do this.»
As the economy creaks, groans, and threatens to fall in on itself, this unlucky Alberta govâ $ ™ ts does what it can to salve the growing unrest and unhappiness with brave talk and small but sweet tokens...
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