Sentences with phrase «grooming regularly»

Get ahead of the furry mess by grooming them regularly.
When you maintain your Schnauzer's appearance by grooming him regularly he will always look his best and feel his best.
Start grooming regularly while they are babies to make them more accepting of the process as they age.
His or her coat will need to be stripped by hand at least twice a year, and they will need grooming regularly.
For people with mild to moderate allergies, controlling flare - ups involves managing their home environment, taking medication and having their pets groomed regularly.
Felines are top performers in the hygiene department — they're known to self - groom regularly, removing dirt, loose fur, and more — but that doesn't mean they don't need our help for showers every once in a while.
Other measures that can you take to lessen your allergies would be to keep your house clean and to make sure that your dog is bathed and groomed regularly to get rid of excessive dander (which is the main cause of the allergies).
It will not have many if groomed regularly.
While they typically need less attention in this area than longhairs, short haired cats should also be groomed regularly, as demonstrated in this video... «Cat Grooming Brushing Demonstration.»
They do need to be groomed regularly (every 8 weeks or so).
Cats, especially longhairs, regurgitate hairballs unless groomed regularly.
The second step is adequate grooming: Dogs should be groomed regularly.
Since these dogs have loose skin, which results in wrinkles, it is essential to groom them regularly and clean those wrinkles in order to prevent skin infections.
Besides the health benefits that come with dog grooming there are a few key reasons you should get your dog groomed regularly.
Although the care its coat requires is simple, it is necessary to groom it regularly — remember also that it sheds throughout the whole year.
As long as I groomed her regularly her ears were Perfect.
They need to brushed several times per week, and they need to be groomed regularly.
You will also save on the expense of going to a professional groomer regularly.
Some Shih Tzu parents choose to have them groomed regularly, which will need to be done every 6 to 8 weeks.
Dogs should be groomed regularly.
As Huskies are engineered to withstand the coldest of temperatures, their fur is extremely thick so they must be groomed regularly, especially if the climate they reside in is warm.
Irish setter coats needs to be groomed regularly to prevent mats and remove loose hair and debris.
Short - haired breeds are easier to care for, as long - haired cats must be groomed regularly if they are not to become matted.
If groomed regularly, the coat is stunning; if neglected, it forms mats and knots and can cause the dog problems.
Poodles are hypoallergenic and shed very little but should be groomed regularly.
To maintain the long coat in top condition, groom regularly and trim as required - see grooming dachshund.
Some Lagotto coats mat more than others, and it is important to groom regularly to prevent this.
Double - coated breeds should be combed, brushed, and professionally groomed regularly to maintain a healthy coat and reduce shedding.
You should groom it regularly as both of the parents of the German Shepherd Lab mix are excessive shedders.
And for poodles, one issue is that they need to be groomed regularly.
This is especially true if you have a poodle or poodle cross, as these dogs need to be groomed regularly.
Briards shed a bit, but they can mat heavily if they are not groomed regularly.
Another way to keep pets healthy is to take them to a professional groomer regularly.
This breed is very clean and these dogs actually groom themselves regularly, much in the same way that cats groom themselves.
If you don't have money for a pet to be professionally groomed regularly, you should rule out some breeds, such as poodles, for which professional grooming is recommended.
Collie dogs must be groomed regularly with a brush and comb.
Their long, wavy and silky hair should be brushed daily and groomed regularly.
The Irish Water Spaniel should be groomed regularly to prevent matting.
A typical dog grooming appointment will be completed in 1 - 2 hours (for dogs that are groomed regularly).
They groom themselves regularly.
Some breeds, such as poodles, cocker spaniels, or other breeds with easily tangled coats, should visit a professional groomer regularly.
A healthy cat grooms himself regularly and fastidiously.
As poodles need to be groomed regularly, I have had much experience with many groomers.
When these dogs are brushed and groomed regularly, you can expect to find a minimum of dog hair around the house and in the car.
It's normal for cats to groom themselves regularly, but sometimes they can get a little out of hand.
Their long silky fur has to be brushed and groomed regularly else it will get tangled and become extremely painful for the dog.
Dogs that are groomed regularly can still develop hot spots, much to their owner's frustration, and some dogs are just more likely to develop hot spots than others.
A dog that is properly groomed regularly will be a happy and a healthy dog for sure.
Origin: Czechoslavakia Utilization: Companion Registration: AKC Terrier Group Size: Small Height: 10 - 12 1/2 Inches Weight: 13 - 22 pounds Lifespan: 10 - 13 years Shedding: None if groomed regularly Colors: Blue grey or dark charcoal
Origin: Great Britain Utilization: Companion Registration: AKC Toy Group Size: Tiny Height: 6 - 9 Inches Weight: 4 - 7 pounds Lifespan: 13 - 15 + years Shedding: None if groomed regularly Colors: Gold brown w / steel grey, red - tan face, feet, chest
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