Sentences with phrase «groping for»

• Repeating the same idea is an absolute no — as it makes the employer feel that the candidate is groping for words to fill space
We've all been there: Some mornings simply aren't compatible with a task as sophisticated as groping for an iPhone and then pawing at the screen or volume button to activate the snooze.
«The worst case of sexual harassment I suffered was physical contact — a hand up my skirt groping for my vulva and missing by inches.»
With the mounting and unarguable impacts of anthropogenic climate disruption escalating daily, the oil and gas industry now resembles embattled dinosaurs desperately groping for their survival.
Yet, we still have those hangers - on who appear to be hoping and groping for a miracle to prove their unfounded dogma to be true.
We need to stop groping for symbolic non-productive solutions, as we literally tilt at windmills in our efforts to combat the real threat of global climate change.
Well, in this installment, they are used as a tool in the gameplay rather than a seedy side quest of groping for uncomfortable giggles in the locker room.
Analysts expect profits to stabilize next year, but companies across many industries are groping for revenue growth amid the still - slow global economy.
The boy saw him shift, his hand groping for the butt of the pistol under his bedroll.
He reached down, groping for the adjuster bar, then grunted with relief as the seat slid back.
There's so much power on tap from the twin - turbo V - 8 that if you're on wet pavement and accelerate hard, the rear wheels will be groping for traction.
There's more action this time around, as Bella gets involved in an eternal human - vampire - werewolf romantic triangle, but many of the heart - to - hearts between Bella and her beaux seem to go on for ever, all trembling lips and frowny foreheads and barely articulate groping for words.
And by conflating his mental instability with his descent into the dreary morass of his father's real estate dealings, the film seems to be awkwardly groping for a larger connection between David's inner state and the hedonism of late - Seventies Manhattan.
On other occasions, she reached behind the mirror, groping for the pen, insisting that «the pen is behind the mirror.»
It is also a worrisome account of physicians groping for solutions to problems that they could not adequately address.
We know now that what he was groping for was gravity and, in the story, he nearly gets there.
Here was what Bell had been groping for, on and off since his student days: some quantitative means of distinguishing Bohr's interpretation of quantum mechanics from other coherent, self - consistent possibilities.
Uber rejected the charge, accusing the mayor of groping for any reason to stymie a threat to the yellow taxi industry, where medallion prices have faltered amid Uber's rise.
Bethlehem Steel may have closed its Lackawanna plant 33 - years ago, but the city and Albany are still groping for a way to clean and develop the site.
Relying on the secrecy of limited liability companies, white - collar thieves are targeting pockets of New York City for fraudulent deed transfers, leaving the victims groping for redress.
And, what about all those comments about how he is «too big for that» when he slides his chubby hand inside your shirt, groping for the comfort of his «boobies»?
Catching the ball 16 feet from the hoop, the Doctor threw three separate fakes at his defender, leaving poor Jones looking like a kid groping for fireflies, and then sank a wide - open jumper.
This is after the 8K race, and Sanchez is groping for something, anything, good to latch on to.
I'd have to spend hours groping for something remotely like it.»
«I had a Yale degree, but my résumé was» — he laughs while groping for a euphemism — «nontraditional.»
Alyosha instantly recognizes that Ivan's imagination was groping for the profoundest of all truths — that nothing other than God's self — emptying love can answer bitter unbelief.
Perhaps the reason why you guys are groping for answers is that there is none.
Here, too, men had been groping for the knowledge of the unseen forces which they believed surrounded them and had sought ways of enlisting their support.
During this stage he was very attracted to Whitehead, who was then groping for just such a universal vision of reality and value.
This given self bears its freight of hurt and hope, its creativity and anxiety, its self - seeking, and its groping for love.
Jenson is nothing if not rigorous, although his elliptical style frequently leaves the reader groping for connections.
In groping for an alternative to those two extreme options, Goodman asks us to «clarify our values» and «approve both condoms and caution.»
For one thing, Francis has the temerity to take the science of climate change seriously, which is the sort of thing that can send a Wall Street Journal conservative frantically groping for his smelling salts, but which I can not help thinking is slightly saner than clinging to the politically inflected obfuscations of the data that so many in the developed world use to calm their digestions and consciences.
However, he also took very seriously the world around him — the postwar world of the Weimar Republic, groping for financial as well as spiritual stability (in the end, its gospel was Mein Kampf).
There is not a trace of any succession; there is no temporal sequence at all — except on the psychological level, in the mind of a student groping for the conclusion, not in the logical structure itself.
To search for the divine as only an intellectual matter is another form of misguided groping for God.
Many in our culture are indulging in this cult of experience, which is actually a misguided groping for God.
«She went away for a two - week vacation, then came back, and was more... buxom,» Atanian says, groping for the right but least offensive word.
As the network groped for an answer to this question, its increasingly desperate attempts to attract viewers, to turn news into BREAKING NEWS, transformed it into something of a late - night punch line.
We believe that equity exposure has become a key central - bank policy instrument to suppress currency - exchange rates and to grope for yield that they can not achieve in traditional safe assets.
And he explains how he and other policy makers such as Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson and Tim Geithner groped for approaches that would first stop the crisis, and eventually push the US economy back to growth.
But he will listen to sincere individuals who want to know him, for the apostle Paul said to the Athenians, that ones should «seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.»
Acts 17:24 - 28 «24 The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, «For we also are His children.»»
Further, there should be an in - depth series immediately on Acts 17:26 - 28 which reads, «And He has made from one blood [a] every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, «For we are also His offspring.»
Yet a novelist must grope for meaning; it comes with the territory.
He was in University Hospital as neurosurgeons groped for synonyms for miraculous.
(Acts 17:26 - 27) He created people in such a way that «they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each of us.»
As they groped for a new identity, the Dolphins were not always entertaining.
The headlines reporting Walsh's return to Stanford a season ago seemed to grope for something large — icon - large.
The ball hit his hands and forearms, spun off, then glanced up into his eyes as he groped for it in vain.
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