Sentences with phrase «grounded hand and foot»

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Hanging on the cross by the hands and feet would easily disjoint the bones, especially when we remember that the body was fixed to the frame while lying on the ground.
But can we agree that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, funding those on the ground, sending supplies and speaking out against hateful, violent, discriminatory acts?
With cell phone in hand, a vista of emerald green rolling hills, and crystal clear cerulean blue skies, guests have marveled at the hot air balloon sights whether their feet are firmly planted on the ground or they are gliding in the air aboard one of the magical orbs.
Toe Touches, hands and feet on the ground, like he was going to do a crabwalk, then alternating touching opposing hands and toes.
By pushing our feet down into the ground, the ground will push back into us causing the energy to flow through the hips, core, hands, and ultimately into the club and golf ball.
It also has luggage feet on the bottom so when you need to place it on the ground to free up your hands (and you will) it's not going to be completely touching the ground.
While standing, the child places 2 hands on the handlebar, and while propelling one foot forward on the ground, the scooter will move forward.
Work out: 20 minutes Alternate 1 minute of each exercise with 1 minute of walking or jogging until all exercises have been completed twice through (for a total 2 sets of each exercise and 10 walk / jog intervals)... Stroller Lunge (thighs, butt): Facing stroller, both hands on handle, take a large step with left foot; drop right knee toward ground in a lunge position until left thigh is parallel to ground.
We believe this is accomplished by actually spending time outdoors, with our hands in the dirt and feet on the ground, planting trees, clearing brush, finding frogs in a creek, making a meal out of wild plants, learning how to turn a piece of wood into an instrument, or creating natural dyes with berries.
A child starts by straddling the bicycle with his bottom on the seat, feet on the ground, and hands on the handlebar.
Iain Duncan Smith deserves enormous personal credit for getting our flagship Work Programme off the ground in a year, revolutionising the way we offer support so that it is tailored to individual needs, so that it is in the hands of the experts — the businesses and charities best placed to administer advice and training, so that — at all times — we aim to get people into real jobs, proper jobs so they can stand on their own two feet.
«By looking at the claw structure, hand bones and foot bones, our general interpretation is that it is a mammal that lived on the ground surface or perhaps was capable of digging.»
This new partial foot from Burtele (this is all that was found, no other post crania, crania or dentition) lacks an arch and two of the bones comprised an abducted toe, that is to say, an opposable toe, like the thumb on a human hand, capable of grasping tree limbs but less efficient than the human foot on the ground.
Return hips and legs to floor, then fold the upper body down towards the ground, grabbing for the feet with the hands.
Lie face down on an incline bench with your chest lying on the pad and your feet touching the ground for support and take a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip and arms straight.
Place all the weight into your hands and let your feet come off the ground.
Start with your left hand on the bench with left arm extended, while your right arm holds the dumbbell and right foot is on the ground (a).
Bend one knee and place the same side's hand on the ground in front of your foot.
Engaging your back, glutes and hamstrings, lift your hands and feet a few inches off the ground (c).
Lay flat on the ground with hands and feet off the ground.
Here's how to do it: Sit up tall with your knees bent and your feet on the ground and hold your hands underneath your knees.
Lower your chest to the ground, press back up to complete a push - up, and then jump your feet back toward your hands.
Squeeze your bottom gently and press your hips into the ground as you lift your hands and feet slowly as high as they'll comfortably go.
Allow your left heel to lift off the ground and push into your hands and the ball of your left foot to return to the previous, upright position.
To release slowly let go of the foot and extend the right leg back, keeping it lifted, as you lower your left hand to the ground.
For a more advanced pose, reach the right arm towards the ground and place your hand by your front foot.
Keeping feet together, hands shoulder width apart and body straight, lower your body until your head touches the ground and raise yourself back up.
As you inhale, slowly straighten your arms while keeping the shoulders back and lift your chest off the floor, keeping your hands, hips, thighs and tops of the feet on the ground.
Jump your feet towards your hands into a low squat and spring off the ground with force.
-- Lie down on the floor with your knees bent and your feet lifted from the ground (over your hips), and your hands behind your neck for support.
Jump the feet back up to your hands and explode back up off the ground.
When your feet find the ground, use your hands and breath to lift your spine more vertical and open the front of your body longer, bringing your shoulders, chest and hips into a vertical line.
A.Holding an 8 - to 10 - lb dumbbell with both hands, sit on a stability ball and slowly roll down until your head, neck, and shoulders are on the ball with both feet on the ground.
Keeping arms and legs straight, bring your right hand towards your left foot, then your left hand towards your right foot, lifting your head, neck and shoulders off the ground.
Keeping your thighs on the ground and gaze toward the mat, begin to lift your chest on an inhale by kicking your feet into your hands.
For more of an opening, bring the tops of your feet to the ground, and walk your hands back along your calves, keeping your hips reaching forward.
Stand with feet hip - width apart; squat down and plant hands on the ground.
With hands on sandbag jump or step back into push up position and do a pushup, then jump or step feet back in and do a clean and press with sandbag: pick up sandbag by its 2 horizontal side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flipping it so it's up on top of your hands over knuckles and press it up towards ceiling, and then reverse movements bringing it back down to ground.
Return the same way and repeat for a total of 8 reps.. You ould regress this exercise to reverse burpees, where you just place your hands on the ground as if for a regular burpee and jump your feet up the wall.
Squat down and touch the ground between your feet with one hand while reaching back behind you with the other.
Standing at the end of your mat, or on ground, with feet hip width apart, roll backwards so that your knees are overhead and then forward again, place your hands on the ground in front of you and then jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up.
Land as gently as possible and immediately squat down again, touching the ground between your feet with the opposite hand.
You can also put your hands on the chair, feet on the ground and perform the reverse of this week's move.
Immediately drop your chest to the ground and then in one smooth motion, jump your feet back to your hands (driving up with your hips) and explode up into a jump.
For stability, your feet should be slightly wider that your hands and flat on the ground.
Reverse Crunches — Lie on the ground in a traditional crunch position, your feet flat on the floor and hands underneath your head.
Step 2: Once you're back into a deep squat position from the roll, drop one hand to the ground in between your feet, then kick your feet out behind you and briefly hold a 1 - Hand Push Up posithand to the ground in between your feet, then kick your feet out behind you and briefly hold a 1 - Hand Push Up positHand Push Up position.
As you inhale lift the right leg up behind you and as you exhale bring it through to the front placing the foot flat to the ground between your hands, (the knee should be aligned above the ankle).
Grip the bar with an overhand grip, hands about shoulder width apart, get under the bar and keep your body in a straight line, with your heels resting on the ground, feet together.
Stand with your feet about three feet apart, extend your arms outward parallel to the ground and gaze at your right hand.
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