Sentences with phrase «group of birds»

Although birds clearly evolved by 150 million years ago, exactly when the modern groups of birds arose has proved a subject of debate.
Only a few groups of birds and mammals can do it.
In the study, one group of birds received small implants of tiny, flexible tubes containing melatonin to change their body clocks, while another control group did not.
After all, there are many species and groups of birds out there.
The young bird was discovered to be a member of the major group of birds called enantiornithes, which is a group of ancient, toothed birds that went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period.
«Larry Martin, a paleontologist from the University of Kansas, said clearly in 1985 that the archaeopteryx is not an ancestor of any modern birds; instead, it's a member of a totally extinct group of birds.»»
Update, 18 August: An earlier version of this story contained an error about which group of birds produced fewer fledglings as adults.
That could be especially useful given that black jacobins live among a diverse group of bird species, including 40 other species of hummingbirds.
The researchers studied a 90 million year old group of birds called the Galloanserae which including the mallard duck, swan goose, wild turkey, helmeted guineafowl, Indian peafowl and common pheasant.
His paintings are literally a snapshot of a moment in a mumuration of starlings revealing the dynamic relationship between a particular group of birds at one moment.
To see whether roosters simply crow in response to external stimuli or according to a circadian rhythm — an internally driven, cyclical pattern of behavior that occurs over a 24 - hour period — the team put one group of birds into a room with continuously dim lights and tracked the birds» crowing over the course of a month.
New data provided by the Joint International Turtle Genome Consortium, led by researchers from RIKEN in Japan, BGI in China, and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in the UK provides evidence that turtles are not primitive reptiles but belong to a sister group of birds and crocodiles.
Hesperornithiformes were toothed, foot - propelled diving birds and one of the most widely distributed groups of birds in the Cretaceous of the northern hemisphere.
«This study not only tells important new information about the evolution of this unusual group of birds, it also helps further our understanding of life in the ancient northern Pacific region, more specifically what was going on in the ocean while dinosaurs walked the land» said Fiorillo.
He noted then that vultures represented the single most threatened group of birds.
They only looked at species that belonged to the three major groups of birds alive today: Palaeognathae (ostriches and their close relatives), Galloanseres (waterfowl, pheasants, and their close kin), and Neoaves (all other birds).
In particular, the new data «better match the origins of certain groups of birds once thought to have arisen in Africa,» Braun says.
Dall's model predicted another successful strategy, one that had never been observed in ravens: gang foraging, in which a large group of birds scavenge together.
Birds of prey, for example, have larger proportions of claw beta - keratins than the average for the entire group of birds.
They involved charismatic groups of birds such as parrots, hummingbirds, manakins.
In order to gather data, the group examined the brains of 10 woodpeckers of different species such as the northern flicker and the yellow - bellied sapsucker, as well as the brains of a control group of bird species that does not repeatedly bang its head on hard surfaces.
This event had eliminated dinosaurs, pterosaurs, ammonites and belemnites, as well as many groups of birds, bivalves, brachiopods, marine reptiles, plants and planktonic organisms.
Generally, finches are among the most common group of birds sold in pet stores.
The last but perhaps most exciting group of birds on the Caye is that of the migrant warblers.
In Peder Balke's The Tempest (c. 1862) a dark group of birds battle against a gale with more success than the stricken ships listing perilously on the grey waves beneath them.
And over the course of each hour, smaller groups of birds coalesce into a single entity, soaring through the air in fluid unity.
The first can be traced directly to Darwin: Following the 1859 publication of On the Origin of Species, it became practice not just to note affinities among groups of birds but to make fine distinctions between subspecies and to track their evolution over time.
Truthfollower: «Larry Martin, a paleontologist from the University of Kansas, said clearly in 1985 that the archaeopteryx is not an ancestor of any modern birds; instead, it's a member of a totally extinct group of birds.»»
New forms of lizards, crocodiles, and snakes appeared, as did many of the ancestors of modern groups of birds and mammals.
«Hespeornithiforms is the oldest group of birds that succeeded to adapt for diving in ocean.
First author of the study, Dr Peter Harrison (UCL Genetics, Evolution & Environment), said: «We chose a particular group of birds which differ in how they display male and female traits, and the extent to which males compete for mating.
A new study in Nature Communications by Luis Ossa, Jorge Mpodozis and Alexander Vargas, from the University of Chile, provides a careful re-examination of ankle development in 6 different major groups of birds, selected specifically to clarify conditions in their last common ancestor.
Salmonella doesn't make chickens sick, so there is no way to tell from looking at a group of birds whether or not they will be shedding bacteria in their feces.
Instead, the two scientists assign the fossil to a group of bird - like maniraptoran dinosaurs known as anchiornithids, which were first identified only a few years ago based on material found in China.
In spite of that, the cognitive skills of some groups of birds match those of apes.
After a group of birds had left, the team collected what the birds had left behind.
While at first glance language and bird evolution may appear unrelated, three groups of birds — parrots, songbirds, and hummingbirds — are among the few animals capable of imitating sounds they hear, a trait called vocal learning that provides the foundation for language.
«Surprisingly, breeding success in both groups of birds correlates most strongly with late winter and early spring conditions on their wintering grounds, months before they begin breeding,» says Nott.
Working with one group of birds, Massen's team played recorded calls of other ravens the birds had observed but hadn't interacted with.
The Birds have however interested me much more than the insects, they are proportionally much more numerous, and throw great light on the laws of Geographical distribution of Animals in the East... As an instance I may mention the Cockatoos, a group of birds confined to Australia & the Moluccas, but quite unknown in Java Borneo Sumatra & Malacca... Many other species illustrate the same fact.
With mixed up melatonin levels, one group of birds in the study was slightly confused about when the day started, experiencing unnatural continuous night - like melatonin levels both day and night.
Their ability to recognize and punish dishonest individuals, even after a single encounter, may help explain how cooperation evolved in this group of birds.
When Stoddard and her colleagues made a family tree of 1000 bird species, they realized that each group of birds tended to have a characteristic egg shape.
The intelligence of the corvid family — a group of birds that includes crows, ravens, magpies, rooks and jackdaws — rivals that of apes and dolphins.
The researchers found DNA «fossils» of parasitic nematodes in seven groups of birds (clockwise): trogons, mesites, parrots, hummingbirds, hornbills, manakins, tinamous.
They are a group of birding friends from Britain and America who decided to team up on an international birding website.
It is crazy how you notice the one bird before the group of birds - what a truth for all of us!
They are a group of birding friends from Britain and America who decided to team up on an international birding website.
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