Sentences with phrase «group of students did»

Are there content and / or skills included on the assessment that a distinct group of students did not master?
Although many were reading at grade level or above, one group of students did not benefit as much from the additional attention and intervention strategies.
«There is responsible grouping of students done for very practical reasons.
To take an example, imagine that a particular sub-group of students do more poorly than expected (based on their performance on other questions testing the same math skill) on a math item that uses the word «foyer,» while other groups of students do just as well as expected.
Such technology also allows educators to display up to four device screens via the panel simultaneously, which is ideal for a cooperative group setup, such as four groups of students doing a math quiz on four different devices, or presenting their group projects simultaneously.
For which groups of students did our system work?
Through this process, the school discovered that some groups of students did not feel known, trusted, empowered, connected, and honored, and that staff and student perceptions differed greatly.
This particular group of students does not live and breathe re the attribution of global warming, although I imagine that most of them would pretty much subscribe to the RC view of the overall issue (and they pretty much ignore paleo stuff).

Not exact matches

In one of these studies, a group of students was instructed to think about an important final exam while another group was told to make a specific study plan with details of what they would do, where, and when.
«These are things any great teacher would be able to do for a small group of students in a particular classroom,» Baker says, but D2L can do it on a massive scale.
But for all the big talk, Ivey has a lot of walk.MBA graduates, according to the school's owndata, can expect an average starting salaryof over $ 98,000 a year upon graduation.Every class evolves from students tacklingreal - world problems on their own, to doing so in groups, then as an entire class.Outside the classroom, the school offersscores of special projects, internationalinternships and one - of - a-kind programs, like the Ivey Consulting Project, the largestand longest - running Canadian programpairing MBA students with real - world businessesin need of help.
The second group of guinea pigs were college students, half of whom were asked to complete a survey for charity in an overheated room, and half of whom got to do the same task in a nice cool one.
«A ruling by a single judge in one circuit can not and does not undo the years of clear legal precedent nationwide establishing that transgender students have the right to go to school without being singled out for discrimination,» said a statement from five groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), that have filed «friend of the court» briefs on behalf of transgender students.
The study found students who thought on their own conceived nearly twice as many solutions to a series of creative puzzles than did those working in brainstorming groups.
But because a group of high school students seem to be doing substantial damage to its already divisive brand.
When I left school and embarked on my first real business adventure, Student magazine, it was at times a real struggle to keep our small group motivated and make ends meet, though we didn't want our readers to be aware of this.
Here Sotomayor plays the mentor card: «I would warn any minority student today against the temptations of self - segregation; take support and comfort from your own group as you can, but don't hide within it.»
Boeing commercial aviation chief Jim Albaugh told a group of Seattle students earlier this year that the company didn't provide the necessary oversight.
She said she doesn't want any groups of students or young workers unintentionally left behind by whatever changes the Liberals ultimately decide upon, but suggested that future changes would look to target vulnerable populations like indigenous youth and new immigrants, who have a harder time accessing the job market.
What do you think it is about this group of students in this particular moment that feels like a break from the past?
This is similar to class group projects where each student does their part but at the end every group member gets a copy of the assignment.
This all seems rather silly but I could see the Student Republicans flooding the Student Democrats (or vice-versa of course) with fake members then electing people who would do outrageous things in the name of the group to disgrace them.
The move to retain GRACE for its investigation also comes after Do Right BJU, a group of students, alumni, and staff who aim to support victims of sexual abuse on campus, held a silent protest...
This, combined with our approach of studying the Great Masters rather than secondary texts and doing this in seminar - style groups of maximum 15 students, makes the education and formation we offer truly life - changing.»
Campus ministry and fellowship groups are not merely clubs or think tanks; they are parachurch organizations, meaning that they serve students in many of the same ways a local congregation does.
The Sutton Trust has found excessive praise or grouping students by their ability doesn't aid learning, and that a teacher's knowledge of a subject is more likely to make a difference.
(CNN)-- When Shane Wright met with members of Vocal Point, a Brigham Young University a cappella group that was considering competing on NBC's singing show «The Sing Off,» the main question he had for the nine male students had nothing to do with their singing talent.
«We would be remiss in our duty to you and our students if we did not challenge your continuing misuse of Catholic teaching to defend a budget plan that decimates food programs for struggling families, radically weakens protections for the elderly and sick, and gives more tax breaks to the wealthiest few,» the group wrote in a letter to the lawmaker.
The first important task for a student of religious groups will be, therefore, to do justice to the self - interpretation of a religious communion.
Students need to hear, in a positive way, of the good works done by the Church and community groups, among whom Catholics areconspicuously present.
A group of journalistic gumshoes for the Pittsburg High School student newspaper in Kansas did some All the President's Men - level sleuthing on their incoming principal and found that her credentials didn't add up.
Finally, a vertical group composed of two trustees, administrators, teachers, parents, excellent students, and failing or dropout students is held on the theme: «Our schools: What I like and don't like about them, and what I want them to be.
If it was in a Coloured school, it probably was a group of students that didn't want to go to class that day.
Some years ago, a group of psychiatrists had a group of medical students do «supportive therapy» in 20 - minute sessions.
Vice-president Douglas Schreiber told the newspaper: «The students largely do not want anything to do with a group that promotes the removal of rights over bodily autonomy for over half the student population that attend this university.»
I pay my taxes, including those taxes NOT paid for by religious groups who don't pay their fair share, have never relied on welfare, paid back all of my student loans, with interest, raised happy, fulfilled and accomplished children (who are also atheists), and I vote in all elections.
There is no Bible school or Biblical seminary that does not also study the mind of some founder of its method of interpreting Scripture, or of some other groups of Bible students besides itself.
There are few theological schools where these groups do not compete for the students» interest and time, where some members of the former group do not feel that the scholarliness of theological study is being impaired by the attention claimed for field work and counseling, where teachers of preaching, church administration and pastoral care and directors of field work do not regard much of the theological work as somewhat beside the point in the education of a minister for the contemporary Church.
The vegetarian Chef (instructor) helped a small group of us students make them — the pea and potato version you've done here.
Another bunch of whites, who didn't know either group and didn't want to, was caught up; two people were knocked unconscious, one of them a 23 - year - old college student, Barbara Steele, who was struck by a chair and would receive six stitches near her left eye.
They are full of student discussions and group activities large and small; teachers guide the conversation, but they spend much less time lecturing than most public school teachers do.
Last week I volunteered, as I do every month, with a group of fourth grade students at an economically disadvantaged elementary school participating in Houston's Recipe for Success program.
She really does care about each and every one of her students, and just having that love from her and from the others in my group helped me get over a lot of the grief and fear I felt after having no control over my birthing experience.
Many of the students I teach at the rehab don't have a plan for their future beyond their next drunk, let alone a plan for escaping a future of group homes and prison.
When researchers randomly assigned some primary school students to perform three acts of kindness each week, those kids became more popular than did children in a control group (Layous et al 2012).
A recent report from the Eastside advocacy group InnerCity Struggle says that 62 % of students in that area's schools don't have time to finish their meals.
Did County Legislator Chris Allen flip out at a school teacher and yank the ID badge she was wearing so hard it caused a painful abrasion on her neck because she wouldn't let him park at a Greene County swimming hole she and a group of students were tidying up?
State leaders and advocacy groups have accused the board of making decisions that favor private school students at the expense of public school children, many of whom are low - income, have disabilities or are immigrants who don't speak English.
But if groups of failing schools are eventually turned into charters, it could give the sector an opportunity to dispel the common criticism charters don't enroll sufficient numbers of high - needs students.
Back in the 1960's / 70's the average American college student didn't have anything to do with the Weather Underground, or in fact know anyone who was involved with it, even though the Weather Underground was founded by a group of college students.
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