Sentences with phrase «group scores»

Children in smaller groups score higher in all standard achievement tests, especially for reading and maths.
The intervention group scored significantly higher than the other groups on all difficulties.
The intervention group scored significantly better than the comparison group on measures of social competence.
The depleted group scored well below any of the other groups in life satisfaction, indicating how important it is to develop our values and maintain pursuit of them.
Children between 46 and 59 months in the treatment group scored higher on most indicators than children between 46 and 59 months in the maintenance and control groups.
The third group scored high on all three aspects.
See which group scores higher, (hint, its not the religious) That will end this debate once and for all.
However, after 24 months of continuous supplementation, the vitamin group scored higher on short - term memory tests.
After a year, the exercise group scored higher on memory tests.
Even the control group scored fairly well on the test, correctly identifying the emotions portrayed in the photographs of eyes 71 percent of the time.
Older children in the maintenance group scored higher than older children in the treatment and control group.
Here again, the policy breach manifests itself with the non-profit groups scoring significantly lower.
The differences between intervention and control group scores at 6 months represent effect sizes of around 0.3 (of a standard deviation).
The treatment group scored significantly higher than the control group on the index of reading awareness.
Furthermore, children in the prevention group scored lower on impulsivity and higher on paternal involvement and friend support compared to the control group after participating in the training program.
School districts where at least one student group scores in red in at least two indicators will get what is called «differentiated assistance» (see accompanying story).
The second group scored moderate on the grandiose / manipulative dimension and the callous / unemotional dimension and high on the impulsive / irresponsible dimension (impulsive, non-psychopathic-like group).
These were then compared to the more specific styles of problem focused and seeks social support variables (positive coping) and blame self, wishful thinking, and avoidance variables (negative coping), as well as the combined group scores of these variables.
To investigate the possibility of different effects on students with higher and lower initial achievement levels, we separated students into two groups: one group had grade 3 test scores above the citywide median, the other group scored below the median.
This study could not compare child developmental outcomes across groups, but all children in the participating group score in normal health ranges at 12 and 18 months, as assessed by Bayley Scales of Infant Development.
Better yet, when tested on the same material thirty days later, the interleaving group scored 76 percent better than the block - taught group.
A couple of Occupational Therapists completed and published a research study that compared two groups of babies, one group spent 30 minutes minimum of tummy time per day and the other group did not, the tummy time group scored higher on developmental assessments, so perhaps 30 minutes in a good goal per day; most helpful if broken up into mini sessions throughout the day.
He stated that the only dent in the first hundred days of the President is the activities of vigilante groups scoring government performance 95 %.
Students who participated in the Facebook group scored higher on quizzes, wrote stronger papers and did better on exams than classmates who did not take part, the study reports.
By the fall of their kindergarten year, children who participated in Head Start and the REDI - P group scored higher than the children in the control group on several measures, showing greater increases in their vocabulary, literacy skills, reading fluency and academic performance upon entering kindergarten.
Children of anemic mothers in the MMN group scored substantially higher in general intellectual ability, a difference comparable to the increase associated with an additional full year of schooling.
The recovered - memory group scored significantly higher than any of the other three on false remembering.
This indicates that the incidence of IIV and Nosema 1 were strongly associated with group scores on the discriminant functions.
The control group scores rose by 10 percent.
The next day, both groups were asked to remember the images, and the caffeinated group scored significantly better.
The creatine supplement group scored 4 points more, on average, than their non-creatine counterparts on the Raven's progressive matrices test.
On the post-test 5 months later, the Transcendental Meditation group scored significantly higher on figural originality and flexibility and on verbal fluency.
Specifically, the placebo group scored an average of 9.7 on the test against 13.7 for the creatine - supplemented group.
The EliteSingles study also took into account how users scored satisfaction with their own looks and, once again, the healthy group scored much higher.
Research shows that a properly organized peer - led study group can help improve students» grades; a particular study of 110 students found that students who studied in a peer - led group scored an average of 5.5 points higher in their final exams compared to students who were not in a group.
Students in the mastery group scored one grade higher than the conventional students and outperformed them by 84 %.
The results: students in the tutoring group scored two grades higher than conventional students and outperformed them by 98 %.
The math test uses 25 questions from exercises administered during the 2003 and 2006 PISA assessments... In sum, students in the reform group scored slightly lower on average, with a larger difference in geometry and algebra.
Year group scores on the Hall of Fame are calculated as an average.
In particular, teachers in these two groups scored especially high on «construct rigidity» and «emotional reaction.»
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