Sentences with phrase «groups report symptoms»

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Although none of the groups reported on drug side effects, while Guo who tested only breastfed infants reported on significant decrease in infant crying, and decrease in depressive symptoms at one month and at two months respectively, Sung who tested both formula fed and breastfed infants reported on increase crying in the probiotic treated infants (particularly in the formula fed infants) compared to placebo with no effect on maternal depressive symptoms.
A series of randomized control trials of a nurse home visitation program show a range of positive effects on maternal health, including decreases in prenatal cigarette smoking, fewer hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, and fewer closely spaced subsequent pregnancies., A randomized control study of another program that works with a particularly high - risk population found that participant mothers showed significantly lower depressive symptoms than those in the control group and were less likely to report feeling stressed a year after participation.
Given the unreliable nature of self - reported symptoms in athletes 2 a group typically motivated to return to play and minimize symptoms, the sensitivity of computerized neurocognitive testing to incomplete recovery and the importance of identifying any indicators that an athlete may not remain stable in his / her baseline functioning prior to return to contact sports action, post-exertion neurocognitive testing appears to be a logical tool to consider.»
Using data from a nationally representative sample of youth who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a group of researchers led by Dr. Kathleen Merikangas of the National Institute of Health Intramural Research Program, evaluated symptoms of ADHD and its subtypes in 1,894 participants aged 12 - 15 years based on parent reports of symptomatology.
«We expected the group that reported few symptoms at the time of primary blast exposure to be similar to the group without exposure.
Scope of the problem A National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) study released this spring shows that 14 percent of patients with drug - resistant major depressive disorder experience a remission of symptoms after rTMS treatment compared with a control group, which reported a 5 percent rate of remission.
Teenage boys who reported many depressive symptoms, and had high levels of cortisol, were more likely to have become depressed over the next three years than any other group.
A significantly higher percentage of patients receiving pinaverium reported that their IBS symptoms improved (60 percent) than in the placebo group (34 percent).
The group that removed MSG from its diet and consumed more water reported significant improvements in their symptoms, as did the group receiving acetaminophen.
There were no overall differences in rates of mental health symptoms at diagnosis among treatment groups, although 18 % of the PADT group reported poorer memory compared to 12 % in the local group and 15 % in the combination group.
Lu explains that the CES - D is a commonly used self - report tool to assess depressive symptoms in community - based populations, and the 20 items are usually grouped into four major domains: depression affect, somatic symptoms, interpersonal relations, and positive affect.
A new drug target to treat depression and other mood disorders may lie in a group of GABA neurons (gamma - aminobutyric acid - the neurotransmitters which inhibit other cells) shown to contribute to symptoms like social withdrawal and increased anxiety, Penn Medicine researchers report in a new study in the Journal of Neuroscience.
The authors examined the natural history of eczema using self - reported data from a group of 7,157 children enrolled in the Pediatric Eczema Elective Registry (PEER) study to evaluate the prevalence of symptoms over time.
The group that experienced mood symptoms was more explosive, out of control, physically and verbally violent and depressed than the group that experienced memory and thinking deficits, with family members reporting that 73 percent of those in the first group were «explosive,» compared to 27 percent in the second group.
A year after the start of treatment, BA was found to be non-inferior (not worse than) than CBT, with around two - thirds of participants in both groups reporting at least a 50 % reduction in depressive symptoms.
Searching for how those initially measured alcohol responses might predict which group the participants fell into, King and her team found that those in the high alcohol addiction symptom group reported far higher stimulation and pleasure from alcohol effects than members of the low or intermediate groups.
A year on, about two thirds of the patients in both groups reported at least a 50 percent reduction in their symptoms.
Silencing the BCL11A gene largely reversed those symptoms, with no apparent side effects, the group reports today online in Science.
While the study found that the breastfeeding promotion intervention provided protection against eczema there was no reduction in risk of asthma with 1.5 % of the intervention group (108/7064) reporting asthma symptoms compared with 1.7 % (110/6493) in the control group.
In a report of the study's findings, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on March 6, researchers compared professional pest management treatments plus education with education alone and found no significant differences in asthma symptoms or mouse allergen exposure between the two groups.
While patients in both groups were equally likely to report surgical complications and difficulty awakening from anesthesia, hypersomnolent patients were more likely to report worsened sleepiness (40 % of the hypersomnolent group vs. 11 % of the RLS group, p = 0.001) and worsening of their sleep disorder symptoms (40 % of the hypersomnolent group vs. 9 % of the RLS group, p = 0.0001).
Hazard ratios were rarely reported directly, so we had to use the ratio of the observed median duration of symptoms in each group as an approximation to the hazard ratio.
A group of researchers publishing in Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry have investigated prenatal high - fat and high - sugar diets, epigenetic markers and their relationship with ADHD in 164 children and report an association between an «unhealthy» prenatal diet and higher ADHD symptoms.
PHILADELPHIA — A new drug target to treat depression and other mood disorders may lie in a group of GABA neurons (gamma - aminobutyric acid — the neurotransmitters which inhibit other cells) shown to contribute to symptoms like social withdrawal and increased anxiety, Penn Medicine researchers report in a new study in the Journal of Neuroscience.
The authors noted that they did not identify any consistent patterns in the two groups when it came to reported symptoms such as bad taste, diarrhea, headache, nausea, rash, and stomach upset.
After three months, a third of those in the Mediterranean diet group reported significant symptom relief, compared with just 8 % of the control group.
At the end of those eight weeks, the group that received mindfulness training reported a significant decrease in depression and anxiety symptoms compared to the group that did not.
After several weeks of treatment, a whopping 58 percent of the experimental group reported over half of their seasonal depressive symptoms left.
Two years after the accident, the fishermen who were exposed to oil were more likely to report wheezing, chronic cough, and other respiratory symptoms compared to those in the control group.
In 2015, supporting all of this evidence, a wide - ranging study was published that included data from 79 trials (6,462 participants), which «reported improvements to symptoms compared with patients in placebo groups
A survey of symptoms reported by parents helped to determine 128 as being identified as having asthma and 111 being allocated to a control group.
As proven, men treated with pygeum bark were twice as likely than the placebo group to report symptom and improvement.
One research group recently estimated that about 15 % of elderly people who lost their sense of taste did so due to zinc deficiency, and some others did so due to more serious conditions; so make sure to report this symptom to your doctor if you develop it.
We're hoping we can generate some interest from various dystonia organizations / groups / forums and help more musicians find symptom resolution — certainly more than the 5 - 10 % the Dystonia Society reports.
Depressive symptoms in the yoga group were significantly lower than symptoms reported by control participants, who demonstrated little change in either dimension.
Both massage groups saw significantly greater improvements in disability and symptoms after 1o weeks than those who received usual care, reporting they were more active, spent fewer days in bed, and used less anti-inflammatory medication.
A control group of patients who continued their regular treatment regimen reported no change in symptoms.
This group included 35 892 women with an incomplete depression history (ie, those who did not report their depressive status in 1996, 1998, or 2000 or did not return or answer the Mental Health Index [MHI] questionnaire9 - 11 [a 5 - item subscale of the 36 - Item Short - Form Health Survey] in 1992 or 1996), as well as women who reported taking antidepressants in 1996 (n = 2052) or had a physician - diagnosed episode of depression in 1996 or earlier (n = 3445), those with an unknown start date (n = 131), or those who reported severe depressive symptoms (score, ≤ 52) on the 1992 (n = 2381) or 1996 (n = 2271) MHI questionnaire.
Recent studies suggest that the rate of stroke in patients with [narrowed carotid arteries without symptoms] is lower than the rates found in this trial, according to the highlighted report posted by the American Association for Critical Illness Insurance, the trade group.
PROJECTS Mini Research Project (PTSD) May 2012 • Conducted a mini research project to study differential symptoms of PTSD among survivors of a deadly earthquake who lost a loved one to it and issued a detailed report suggesting group treatment strategies for the same
A study showed that the strongest benefit from mentoring, and most consistent across risk groups, was a reduction in depressive symptoms — particularly noteworthy given that almost one in four youth reported worrisome levels of these symptoms at baseline.
For SDQ total score, symptoms of depression and SDQ peer problems, those «never poor» reported fewer symptoms relative to those moving out of poverty and those in the «chronically poor» group.
Analysis of covariance showed that compared with the TAU group, the IPT - A group showed significantly fewer clinician - reported depression symptoms on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (P =.04), significantly better functioning on the Children's Global Assessment Scale (P =.04), significantly better overall social functioning on the Social Adjustment Scale — Self - Report (P =.01), significantly greater clinical improvement (P =.03), and significantly greater decrease in clinical severity (P =.03) on the Clinical Global Impressions scale.
These results indicate that the CDI norms reported by Twenge and Nolen - Hoeksema (2002) may overestimate the prevalence of depressive symptoms in general populations, and researchers should collect data from a healthy control group.
In line with our expectations, between - group differences were stronger in studies that used parent ratings of depressive symptoms than in studies that used child reports.
Other findings revealed that in an intervention group, users of an information leaflet reported more psychological symptoms to their general practitioner compared with non-users [35].
Moreover, there were trends for differences between the 2 groups, with COPE mothers reporting 1) less total stress after transfer to the general pediatric unit, 2) less stress regarding their children's medical procedures and their children's behaviors and emotions, 3) less negative mood and depression 1 month after hospitalization, 4) fewer PTSD symptoms 6 months after hospitalization, and 5) less depression among their children 12 months after discharge, compared with control mothers.
Participants were selected from four groups: those reporting no childhood ADHD symptoms; those reporting some childhood ADHD symptoms, but not meeting diagnostic criteria; those meeting childhood ADHD diagnostic criteria but no current symptoms; and those meeting childhood ADHD diagnostic criteria and having current symptoms.
There were no significant differences in reports of PTSD symptoms in the COPE and control groups 1 and 3 months after hospitalization, although there was a small positive effect (effect size:.22) for the COPE program at 3 months.
Paradoxically, these developmental attainments were seen in a group that reported more depressive symptoms, more television viewing, and less daily reading to the children.
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