Sentences with phrase «growing acknowledgement»

The phrase "growing acknowledgement" means that more and more people are starting to recognize or accept something as true or important. Full definition
While there was growing acknowledgement at all levels of the health system about the importance of addressing the social determinants of health, there was much more work needed in this area, he added.
However, with the growing acknowledgement that neither Lake Mead nor Lake Powell has been filled anywhere close to capacity since 2000 — and that climate change will increasingly stress water resources along the Colorado River — the proposal is inching its way toward being a real outcome.
After more than a decade of placing far too much emphasis on standardized test results, there is (finally) growing acknowledgement that standardized tests can not be considered a reliable measure of what students know.
Written by Carrie Wilson, Executive Director (more about Carrie) After more than a decade of placing far too much emphasis on standardized test results, there is (finally) growing acknowledgement that standardized tests can not be...
TreeHugger has written about the growing acknowledgement that soot pollution is a major component of global warming — contributing a shocking amount to melting of glaciers in the Himalayas is just one example.
TreeHugger has written about the growing acknowledgement that soot pollution is a major component of global warming — contributing a shocking amount to melting of glaciers in the Himalayas is just
There's growing acknowledgement that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities have been «researched to death» since the early days of colonisation, yet... Read more
For now, it is sufficient to note that there is a growing acknowledgement of the importance of the crucial role of the involvement of Indigenous communities and organizations in the design and delivery of services.
According to XenZone chair and founder Elaine Bousfield, «We are seeing a growing acknowledgement that children and young people urgently need mental health support.
«There is a growing acknowledgement that those first early years of a child's life are absolutely crucial.
Hence, findings add to the growing acknowledgement (Butler 2011; Granic 2005; Houben et al. 2015) that a focus on the real - time dynamic nature of emotions, particularly dyadic emotional flexibility, during parent - child interactions is important for understanding anxiety disorders.
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