Sentences with phrase «growing budget hole»

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The budget deficit for the current fiscal year had grown to $ 350 million dollars, and the projected gap for the new fiscal year would be a $ 3.5 billion dollar hole, if spending were to take place as planned.
Federal officials have reportedly confirmed that they are cutting off a major portion of funding for New York's Essential Plan, opening a roughly $ 1 billion hole in the state budget and raising new doubts about the future of a rapidly growing health insurance option for the working poor.
State lawmakers» growing frustration with the holes Gov. Andrew Cuomo left in his 2011 - 2012 budget proposal was on display at this morning's joint legislative hearing on economic development, which produced a frosty — albeit polite — exchange between Assemblyman Jeff Aubry and outgoing ESDC Chair Dennis Mullen.
Bill Hammond: «Federal officials have reportedly confirmed that they are cutting off a major portion of funding for New York's Essential Plan, opening a roughly $ 1 billion hole in the state budget and raising new doubts about the future of a rapidly growing health insurance option for the working poor.»
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