Sentences with phrase «growing dismay»

The phrase "growing dismay" means feeling more and more worried, disappointed, or upset over time. Full definition
I also remember growing dismay at the shrinking size of the science aisle of the Toys «R» Us on trips with Mom to buy telescopes and chemistry sets.
Paul speaks directly to our alarm as we pastors grow dismayed watching the people in our pews squirm.
So it is with growing dismay that, despite reading about many hard - working and sometimes overstressed students, one comes across story after story in these books of others who openly, defiantly, even gleefully prey on inexperienced teachers or assiduously resist everything their teachers do to reach out to them.
«There is widespread and growing dismay at the government's dismantling of the welfare state built by the post-war Labour government.
He grew dismayed over his denomination's embrace of President Donald Trump over the course of the 2016 election and spoke out forcefully against it.
One of the reasons I left the Lib Dems a decade ago was because of my growing dismay at the bad name their tactics give to politics.
Since my first day at Abbey Road I'd watched the Sunnybankers — cheap green sweatshirts with the school logo on the breast, nylon rucksacks, fag ends, hair spray — with growing dismay.
Ostensibly a parking lot attendant, Ayale soon proves to have other projects in the works, which the narrator becomes more and more entangled in to her father's growing dismay.
It also means for many voters an opportunity to show their growing dismay with an irrational, overreacting and unproductive governmental policy towards any subject that happens to get close to the issue of drug control.
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